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Thread: Too much

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Wake, Virginia

    Default Too much

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm 71, began SS August of '14. SIJ injury end of Jan '15 followed by 6 down weeks from illness. Finally up and running 2 wks ago. I like 3 WOs a wk. also do chins abs & dips. Doing light squats on Wed, HIIT ON Tues and thur. Is it reasonable to move the chins and dips (3-2-1 then 8 assisted chins) (3x5 band assisted dips) to tues & thur to reduce fatigue at end of WO? Having trained enough over the years I can judge overtraining fairly accurately. Just wantt to walk away from the WO feeling up instead of, whew, glad that's over nap time now.

  2. #2
    Kyle Schuant Guest


    Get yourself a copy of this, it has some talk about recovery issues. The stuff they run through for lifters your age mostly won't apply since they assume someone who's never lifted before. But still, recovery issues and so on are talked about at great length.

    My experience is that three heavy workouts get too much pretty quickly for those of us over 40, you start needing a light squat day and weekly rather than session-by-session progression pretty quickly. But really, if you have that training history then you can judge for yourself how to shuffle things around, your instincts are probably right.

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