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Thread: ss problems, mainly squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default ss problems, mainly squat

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    first of all, i would like to apologize for my bad english.
    i never tried ss before or any other rip or starr programs, only body splits such as ab and abc

    ok, 2 things:

    1) i am not really novice, at a bw of 171 my ws are:
    bp 204x5x3
    dl 300x5x3
    press 132x5x3
    pc 154x3x3
    squat 220x5x3

    2) the 2nd problem is the squat, as you can see from my ws my squat is very low, only started working on that for the last 2 months
    but, the main problem is that i can do only barbell squat only 1 time in the week, and there is absoulotly now way that i could perform it 3 times a week, i have tried everything, but i just cant (i work in 2 gyms, only 1 have power rack)
    in the other time i can do SM squat, which i know, suck

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    You are not a novice? Really?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    don't be sarcastic
    i am only asking for help

  4. #4


    Hiya skywave,

    Did you check out "the big hairy Asian's log" that kittenSmash just started?

    And I quote, "Thanks man. I've never been this heavy before, I like it alot. I figure I'll just keep putting on weight (well try to) as long as I'm a novice. As long as I keep progressing, I'm down. Plus I love to eat. Man vs. Food style, haha"

    kittenSmash weighs 235 in the am and has recently squatted 395 lbs for 3 sets of 5, pressed 175 for 3 sets of 5, deadlifted 415 for a set of 5...and he rightly still programs like a novice because he is still able to make progress like one.

    Novice is a state of progressive ability, not a slander on level of strength.

    Squatting in the smith machine just isn't worth the effort. It won't help your real squat (very little on the smith machine helps non-smith machine stuff). There are programs that have you squatting only once per week and you could do them. Squatting three times per week may be ideal for someone with your ability to progress, but if you can't, then you can't.

    Maybe squat on the day you have a rack available. On the days you don't, you could do light front squats with a weight you can clean from the floor or just do deadlifts.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ft Worth, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by skywave23 View Post
    first of all, i would like to apologize for my bad english.
    i never tried ss before or any other rip or starr programs, only body splits such as ab and abc

    ok, 2 things:

    1) i am not really novice, at a bw of 171 my ws are:
    bp 204x5x3
    dl 300x5x3
    press 132x5x3
    pc 154x3x3
    squat 220x5x3

    2) the 2nd problem is the squat, as you can see from my ws my squat is very low, only started working on that for the last 2 months
    but, the main problem is that i can do only barbell squat only 1 time in the week, and there is absoulotly now way that i could perform it 3 times a week, i have tried everything, but i just cant (i work in 2 gyms, only 1 have power rack)
    in the other time i can do SM squat, which i know, suck
    You're still a novice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Gibson View Post
    Hiya skywave,

    Did you check out "the big hairy Asian's log" that kittenSmash just started?

    And I quote, "Thanks man. I've never been this heavy before, I like it alot. I figure I'll just keep putting on weight (well try to) as long as I'm a novice. As long as I keep progressing, I'm down. Plus I love to eat. Man vs. Food style, haha"

    kittenSmash weighs 235 in the am and has recently squatted 395 lbs for 3 sets of 5, pressed 175 for 3 sets of 5, deadlifted 415 for a set of 5...and he rightly still programs like a novice because he is still able to make progress like one.

    Novice is a state of progressive ability, not a slander on level of strength.

    Squatting in the smith machine just isn't worth the effort. It won't help your real squat (very little on the smith machine helps non-smith machine stuff). There are programs that have you squatting only once per week and you could do them. Squatting three times per week may be ideal for someone with your ability to progress, but if you can't, then you can't.

    Maybe squat on the day you have a rack available. On the days you don't, you could do light front squats with a weight you can clean from the floor or just do deadlifts.

    Good luck!
    thank you for your answer!
    so my program can look something like that:

    low bar squat 3x5
    bench press 3x5
    deadlidt 1x5

    front squat 3x5
    press 3x5
    powerclean 5x3

    front squat 3x5
    bench press 3x5
    deadlift 1x5

    low bar squat 3x5
    press 3x5
    powerclean 5x3

    and so on..


  7. #7


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by skywave23 View Post
    thank you for your answer!
    so my program can look something like that:

    low bar squat 3x5
    bench press 3x5
    deadlidt 1x5

    power clean and front squat 3x5
    power clean and press 3x5
    powerclean 5x3

    front squat 3x5
    bench press 3x5
    deadlift 1x5

    low bar squat 3x5
    press 3x5
    powerclean 5x3

    and so on..

    Looks good, except that since you won't have a rack on the days you front squat, you will be cleaning the bar into position. That won't leave much oomph for your sets across in the clean after your presses. I know because I was forced to do the same thing years ago. You won't be front squatting nearly as well either. Cleaning before the front squat takes a lot out of you (though cleaning before a press helps you press more because catching the bar loads your pressing tissue with a bit of energy stored elastically). Come to think of it, you'll be cleaning your presses into position too. See how it goes, but I suspect you will either be cleaning very lightly on those dedicated sets or not bothering at all.

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