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Thread: Missing Intensity/Volume day on the Texas Method

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Missing Intensity/Volume day on the Texas Method

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I will be going on a trip out of state next week where I'm leaving on a Wednesday morning and coming back Monday at night the following week. This makes me skip the Intensity lifts for the first week and miss at least my first Volume session the next week on a 4-day split. I'll be able to do my Monday and Tuesday workouts for Week A, but i'll miss the rest and I could probably fit my Week B workout in and shift everything a day and just keep my ID Squat and DL on Saturday. Question is should I attempt to just repeat Squat and Pull numbers from the previous week without having had an ID for those on Week A?

    I don't know if certain lifts really drop off or not but my recent ID lifts are this:
    Squat: 395x3 (it'll be a 2RM next week)
    Press: 2x3 at 151
    Bench: 224x5
    DL: 395x3

    Current programming
    Week A:
    Monday: Press 5x5, Bench 3x8, Chin 3x5 weighted
    Tuesday: Squat 3x5, SLDL 3x5, BB Row 3x5
    Thursday: Press 2x3, Bench 3x3, Dips 3x5 weighted
    Saturday: Squat 2RM, Deadlift 3RM, 3x15 Banded Goodmornings

    Week B:
    Monday: Bench 3x5, Press 3x8, Chin 3x5 weighted
    Tuesday: Squat 3x5, SLDL 3x5, BB Row 3x5
    Thursday: Bench 5RM, Press 3x3, Dips 3x5 weighted
    Saturday: Squat 2RM, Deadlift 3RM, 3x15 Banded Goodmornings

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    I would do volume day on Tuesday or early Wednesday morning, time permitting, and follow the 3-day TM volume day prescription. This way you get back and retain most of your progress.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019


    So, if I'm reading this correctly, you're going to miss 5 days, correct? It depends on how wedded to the weekly layout you are. I'm also doing a 4-day split (but it's the same from week to week), and I occasionally have to push off workouts for various reasons. I usually just do the next scheduled workout and shift everything accordingly if it's going to be a short break. A 5 day layoff is about where I would draw the line as far as repeating the previous workout vs moving forward.

    I would imagine that you could do your Week B workout and repeat your squat/pull weights from the previous week on Saturday without too much trouble, since you're still going to be doing your volume work when you get back. That's what I would do, anyway.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Santana View Post
    I would do volume day on Tuesday or early Wednesday morning, time permitting, and follow the 3-day TM volume day prescription. This way you get back and retain most of your progress.
    Would you recommend attempting my missed ID lifts on the 3 day week that I missed from the previous week? For instance, if I'm supposed to squat 405x2 next week, but I'm out of town I just attempt that 405x2 the following week when I get back?

  5. #5
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    Apr 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt James View Post
    So, if I'm reading this correctly, you're going to miss 5 days, correct? It depends on how wedded to the weekly layout you are. I'm also doing a 4-day split (but it's the same from week to week), and I occasionally have to push off workouts for various reasons. I usually just do the next scheduled workout and shift everything accordingly if it's going to be a short break. A 5 day layoff is about where I would draw the line as far as repeating the previous workout vs moving forward.

    I would imagine that you could do your Week B workout and repeat your squat/pull weights from the previous week on Saturday without too much trouble, since you're still going to be doing your volume work when you get back. That's what I would do, anyway.
    Yeah it's a 5 day break which I figured was in the middle ground. I'm essentially going to have 2 VDs before I have any ID lifts which was the odd part. Only reason I do Saturday instead of Friday for ID squat/pull is because I like having the whole extra day of recovery for the big lifts and it gives me 3 days instead of 2 between VD and ID. Something I took from Justin Lascek's TM books which really helped out, but it's not a hard and fast rule I have to do it Saturday.

  6. #6
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    Phoenix, AZ


    Quote Originally Posted by Snake Plissken View Post
    Would you recommend attempting my missed ID lifts on the 3 day week that I missed from the previous week? For instance, if I'm supposed to squat 405x2 next week, but I'm out of town I just attempt that 405x2 the following week when I get back?
    Yes that would be logical.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Santana View Post
    Yes that would be logical.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    starting strength coach development program
    You are welcome

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