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Thread: Need to learn how to eat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Wichita Falls, TX

    Default Need to learn how to eat?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    There is an excellent story by Dave Tate that links to today.

    Dave Tate tells a story about how he learned how to eat -- REALLY eat. Maybe it will finally shut everyone up that thinks they can't gain weight.

    It literally gave me chills.

    Check it out:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    That's dirty dirty bulking lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I just read that on another forum where a 6'1 guy weighing 55kg said he CAN'T gain weight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I have alot of respect for Tate and agree that anyone can put on weight with consistent heavy eating.

    But i think the eating that the article advocates is the wrong type of eating. Tate knows the problems this can cause.

    It would be better to get those calories from good food instead of smashing the stuff he says in that article.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by JLascek View Post
    There is an excellent story by Dave Tate that links to today.

    Dave Tate tells a story about how he learned how to eat -- REALLY eat. Maybe it will finally shut everyone up that thinks they can't gain weight.

    It literally gave me chills.

    Check it out:
    A disclaimer about the copious amounts of steroids that JM Blakely and Dave Tate use/d might be in order, since the "super bulk from hell" strategy is not one that works particularly awesome in people not on legendary doses of drugs.

  6. #6
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    Fremont, CA


    I feel like I've entered this bizarro world where everyone is too skinny and doesn't eat enough.

    I really liked the Blakely article myself. Especially the part about the different levels of eating - recover level, repair level, grow level. So what Rip was telling me makes more sense since I am eating at only the recover level (and ending up over-trained) when I need to be at the repair level to sustain my strength gains.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    On the point that actively pigging out will lead to weight gain, I see why you're teary eyed. But I think it's a little disingenuous to point out that Tate said to eat without also mentioning that he went to a doctor who told him that virtually every parameter of his bloodwork was fucked up and that by his own assessment, his current protocol -- which is heavy on brand named supplements -- is better than the old way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Good Lord, that is inspiring.
    Love your website.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by roman209 View Post
    I have alot of respect for Tate and agree that anyone can put on weight with consistent heavy eating.

    But i think the eating that the article advocates is the wrong type of eating. Tate knows the problems this can cause.

    It would be better to get those calories from good food instead of smashing the stuff he says in that article.
    From your link:

    "You know, from one very limited perspective, it's actually pretty easy to understand Dave and Louie's mentality. When it comes to getting really big and strong, to getting in six, seven, eight thousand calories per day, it's very difficult to do when you're eating strict and clean. Seriously, how much chicken breast, oatmeal, and broccoli would you have to eat to get in 10,000+ calories per day? Trust me, you couldn't do it.

    So when Dave says that the cleanest eating people he knows are also some of the weakest, it's probably true. If they don't plan out their intake well enough ? and few people do ? they simply don't eat enough calories to get bigger and stronger."

    Unfortunately, I think Berardi is one of these "six meal a day" guys. Personally, I have better things to do than lug around a bunch of tupperware containers all day. The biggest, strongest guys I know follow a three meal a day eating plan, along the lines of what is posted at 70s big.

    Nope, probably not healthy. But then, neither is getting eaten by a zombie because you are small and weak.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Wichita Falls, TX


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by blowdpanis View Post
    A disclaimer about the copious amounts of steroids that JM Blakely and Dave Tate use/d might be in order, since the "super bulk from hell" strategy is not one that works particularly awesome in people not on legendary doses of drugs.
    Ok? I still have guys in our gym gain 25 pounds in a little over a month and 40 pounds in about 2.5 months (obviously without steroids). This is not uncommon, as Rip has echoed hundreds of times before.

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