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Thread: What if following the Starting Strength Routine just isn't feasible?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Dayton, OH

    Default What if following the Starting Strength Routine just isn't feasible?

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    Good Afternoon Mr. Rippetoe,

    Let me preface my post with extreme gratitude by thanking you for such a great book. It truly has helped me overcome my fear of attempting squats and the deadlift. In regards to exercise, ignorance is the enemy of strength and your work is enlightening. The amount of material for us to use is a treasure. The app and the numerous youtube videos have been very helpful.

    To get to the meat of my question, let me first link back to my introduction post:

    I describe my pertinent medical history as far as injuries, but the part that I am asking about today is the gastric sleeve surgery. In the book, whole milk is recommended and I can drink it, but not enough to bump my caloric intake up the the range of 3500-6000 calories I found in the book. I realize that the body needs fuel not only for daily expenditures but also to heal and repair post lifting session to become stronger. On my best day (or worse if you are from my bariatric surgeons POV) I can take in 2500 calories. I eat very clean, no fast food nor overly processed foods. Since I first started the SS program, I made significant gains in my opinion. My deadlift is currently 225 and my squat is 165. I had my squat up to 185 but when I decided to take a video for a form-check, I found that I was nowhere near deep enough, so I started over and I am working on doing it properly. I am currently stuck on these weights. I'm disappointed, true. But I can at least take some pride in the fact that a little over a year ago I couldn't walk normal! Right now, I am just exhausted the rest of the day after lifting and pretty much the entire next day.

    I of course am not saying there is anything "wrong" with the program, my issue is entirely my limitation. My question is this: how should I work around my limitation? Do I take longer rest intervals that just every other day? I am currently doing M-W-F. Should I be attempting a Mon-Thu-Sat? Or do you think that I should break up the 3 core lifts over the course of the week?

    I look forward to any help you can provide.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I don't know if you can work around the limitations imposed by a surgical solution to a psychological problem. If the sleeve is interfering with your training, have it removed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Dayton, OH


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    If the sleeve is interfering with your training, have it removed.
    Thank you for the reply, however I believe you are thinking of the Lap-Band which is a reversible procedure. The Vertical Gastric Sleeve is where approximately 75-80% of the stomach is removed. It is irreversible. So with that being said, am I just unable to do the program or will I be able to do the same lifting regimen with longer rest days between lifts? Or perhaps Splitting up Squats one day, deadlifts another?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Lots of people who have gastric reduction surgery manage to grow enough stomach back to get fat all over again. Try it and see, and I predict your newfound training discipline will help direct the growth in a positive way. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Pop on over to Nutrition, and read up on protein timing for MPS and BCAAs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    La Jolla California


    Chicken shakes? I.e. Chicken breasts in a blender. One can probably blend up 4 or so in a quart of water. That would be about 200 grams of protein. Have a pint for breakfast, a pint for lunch. Then a "sensible dinner" LOL

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil


    starting strength coach development program
    Just as my 2 cents, my cousin did this surgery and actually did not lose any weight at all. She now eats just as much as before, and is just as fat, but a few thousand dollars poorer.
    Not criticizing the procedure or the people who do it, but your stomach does enlarge again. Eating enough is part of the program, and if this is important enough for you, you can make it happen.

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