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Thread: Dumbbell Bench Press

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Dumbbell Bench Press

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    Hey Mark,

    In "Starting Strength" you wrote the following regarding the bench press:

    In fact, the dumbbell version of the exercise, which actually predates the barbell version due to its less specialized equipment requirements, is probably a better exercise for most purposes other than powerlifting competition. This is especially true if the weights used are sufficiently heavy, challenging the ability of the lifter to actually finish a set.

    Based on the above, and given the fact that I am not a powerlifter, I've replaced the barbell bench press in my routine with the dumbbell bench press. I have a few questions about this.

    1) In your opinion, is this a good idea?

    2) Is programming for the dumbbell bench press the same as for the barbell bench press? (i.e. sets of 5 across)

    3) Do you have any specific points on how to properly execute the dumbbell bench press? (Range of motion, bounce out of the bottom, etc.)

    Thanks for your time,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    1.) Sure. But you have to approach it as a "lift", not an assistance exercise.

    2.) Programming would be the same. The main limitation in training with dumbbells is that you are usually at the mercy of the dumbbell rack in the gym, in that you have little control over your incremental increases -- you have to use what's there, and the next jump up may be too big. This can be addressed with magnets in the appropriate weights.

    3.) Take the dumbbells out of the rack, and learn to get in position on the bench from a standing position, NOT by laying down and getting the dumbbells off the floor or from spotters. Likewise, at the end of the set, finish the last rep and learn to stand back up with the dumbbells without lowering them to the floor. This will prevent lots of shoulder injuries. Don't slam the dumbbells together at the top, at least not MY dumbbells. Keep them in line like they are a bar and touch the inside edge of the plates to your chest right over your armpit to ensure a full range of motion. The bottom rebounds to the same extent a bench press does, which is to say you "bounce" off of your pec/shoulder tightness, not off of contact with your shoulders.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    hey mark, i was wondering what your views on dumbbell military pressing are, since it is similar to the bench press in some regards.

    i'm partly asking because of curiosity, but i'm mostly asking because i do not think i can barbell military press anymore. i recently took 6 weeks off from pressing and 3 weeks off from any upperbody work at all because i had injured my left elbow.

    shortly before it became a full-blown injury, i would notice a clicking in my left elbow (sounded like tendons were being moved around) as soon as i started the pressing motion upwards.

    my first press workout coming back was normal, so i thought everything was fine. however, today i started to hear the clicking again and so i immediately stopped the movement. i tried pressing 25lb dumbbells and they seem to be a lot easier on my elbow.

    what do you think of this as an alternative to barbell pressing?

    thanks a lot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007



    You've essentially described exactly what I have been doing. I've been using the dumbbell bench press as one of my main "lifts" in place of the barbell bench press, using heavy sets of 5 across. My gym has dumbbells at 2.5lb increments up to 50lb and 5lb increments thereafter, up to 100lb. Since I'm using more than 50lb, I use a set of PlateMate magnets that keep my jumps to 2.5lb, or less than 5%.

    Thanks again,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I like it! with racking dbumbells I see a few different ways people use them and I am sure it is damaging them..learning to stand and sit holding dumbells is a concern of mine for a while, I think it is great but I never know if i'm stressing something by doing it incorrectly, for this I would love to see a video demo, appreciate your input.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    or would you recommend the incline bench press instead of dumbbells military press? thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I never recommend incline anything, due to the fact that standing anything is better. Dumbbell presses are completely analagous to dumbbell bench presses, for the same reasons, and they should be programmed the same way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    I remember reading in another thread that the barbell press works the external rotators in the locked out position. Is the same true for the dumbbell press?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Of course. The lockout position contracts all the posterior cuff isometrically, and unless your humerus is quite externally rotated into some weird position named after a bodybuilder, your cuff muscles are working as hard as the weight is heavy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    After plateauing on SS, I've been using dumbbells with platemate magnets and programming my dumbbell bench like the barbell bench (Texas method ideology - 5x5 Monday, and 1x5 Friday, with 5x5 press on Wednesday), and so far everything's been working great.

    I've got 2 questions:

    1) My current plan is to get 100lbs (the max weight of our dumbbells) for a set of 5, and then find a spotter and start over with bench. In your experience, how do dumbbell bench weights translate to barbell bench weights? Also, how should one begin programming the barbell bench after doing only dumbbell bench?

    1) To get in position, I pick up the dumbbells off the floor, sit down with them on my thighs, and lay down while moving the dumbbells to my side, then press up. So the beginning position for the first rep is much different than during barbell bench, since I'm starting at the bottom of the movement. I wanted to make sure that this is the correct set up, since I've seen some guys laying down with their arms extended over their chest, albeit with smaller weights. But that seems insane.

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