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Thread: Having a bad workout for no apparent reason

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Having a bad workout for no apparent reason

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    It seems like every month or two I'll have a really bad workout even though I did everything right. It happened again today. I squatted 250 5x3 Thursday. It was difficult but not crazy hard. I ate well, drank my gallons of milk, and slept well, pretty much everything I could do to prepare for today.

    When I started my squat warmups today something just didn't feel write. When 115 for 5 feels kinda heavy, and 205 for 2 is difficult something is up. I put 255 on the bar, went for my first rep, got a good hamstring bounce out the bottom, and then my legs gave out. I could not complete one rep when I got 5 pounds lighter for all my sets two days earlier. After that I did a couple light sets, and then went to my presses. I pressed 5/5/4 Tuesday at 120 pounds, just barely missing the last rep. I had a good bench on Thursday so I expected to complete the set without too much trouble. Again my last warmup felt difficult, and I only got 1 rep at 120. After that I said fuck it and drove home. Am I alone in having these really bad occasional workouts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fayetteville, Arkansas


    I'd be willing to bet it is a mental problem, rather than a physical one.

    Like you said, you did everything the same as usual.

    Sometimes we just aren't as focused as we should be and it will definitely show in a heavy workout.

    In other words, your body might have been well rested, well fed, and well prepared, but that doesn't mean your mind was.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Ben, it happens to me about the same frequency. I generally get pissed off as all hell, quit the workout, and stew about it until next workout. Invariably, the next workout is great.

    Could be mental as JCavin says, or could be the other myriad mysteries of being human. Good news is that we generally redeem ourselves in the next workout or two.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    You are not alone, it happens. if it continues a couple more workouts try resetting you may be overtrained at not realise it. We all have off days though and on days as well - those days when everything goes up easily and even squats feel light!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    You body has it's own cycles. Plus one workout doesn't mean shit. It's the entirety of them towards a goal that matter. Try it again next workout and don't worry about it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Exeter, NH


    starting strength coach development program
    Last Wednesday was like that for me. Sometimes you just have a shitty workout. However, if the entire week is crap you may have a problem.

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