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Thread: Halting DLs / Rack Pulls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    The Gym

    Default Halting DLs / Rack Pulls

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Coach Rip,

    Male, 5'8" @ 189 BW. DL max is 445x3 and currently getting back on TM.

    Part of this question is for you and part might be for the programming section, but here it goes.

    First, you mention using Halting DLs / Rack Pulls and alternating them each week as the heavy pull for the week. You say to use high reps for HD and lower reps for RP; being that the HD is from the floor, i assume one would use less weight than the one he would use for a DL workset. In the case of the rack pull, being that the toughest part of the movement is taken out and it is a partial lift, i assume one uses a higher load than for the DL. If iam not totally mistaken in the above, would you have an idea in percentages of how much to alter the load for each one?

    Second, if doing HD and RP one is not DLing? And here is where the bit more programming question starts: is it OK to do RPs one week and DL the other week? or in such a scenario would you entertain --i know, i know there is a recent thread discussing these being useless BUT in this context they are only to have a "light week" for the sake of recovery-- alternating DLs and Speed DLs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    First, if I give you a percentage to use, and it's wrong, what do you do? You would titrate the correct work set. So just do that instead.

    Second, it is okay to do anything that you determine works effectively.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    The Gym


    Thanks as always coach Rip! I'll give things a go and see how they work.

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