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Thread: Glenn Reynolds column in USA Today

  1. #1
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    Default Glenn Reynolds column in USA Today

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    The interesting implications for our industry are important. The same mechanisms Glenn addresses could easily become embedded in the fitness industry -- largely unregulated at this point in history, but a very ripe plum to pick. If, for instance, the Physical Therapists decide that they need to be in charge of exercise prescription statewide, and they get the legislatures to agree with this obvious regulatory necessity, and they decide that the Standard of Practice must recognize the obvious fact that full squats are bad for your knees, we're fucked.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post

    The interesting implications for our industry are important. The same mechanisms Glenn addresses could easily become embedded in the fitness industry -- largely unregulated at this point in history, but a very ripe plum to pick. If, for instance, the Physical Therapists decide that they need to be in charge of exercise prescription statewide, and they get the legislatures to agree with this obvious regulatory necessity, and they decide that the Standard of Practice must recognize the obvious fact that full squats are bad for your knees, we're fucked.
    Years ago, I worked in state government for a brief period of time. But it was long enough to learn a lot about How Things Work. Aside from the "barriers to entry" problem that new regulations threaten, consider also the inevitable additional costs of doing business via "licensing," "certification," "compliance," "continuing education" and so forth. Whole new world of costs that you guys (trainers) currently don't have. And not insignificant...and consider that they are subject to the whims of bureaucrats who conspire w/ politicians to "balance" the books...on and on. You guys (again, trainers) as business owners represent one thing to these people: Revenue, via taxes and fees. They largely do not care about how decisions they make affect your ability to do business. They have the attitude that they know best, and if your business is threatened or harmed by their decision, you shouldn't have been in business in the first place.

    Rip is absolutely right, you guys should be aware of this stuff and fight efforts at new regulations on how you put food on your plates.

  3. #3
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    More than just trainers will need to fight. Those they train will have to join the battle as well.

  4. #4
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    Carried to it's worst although illogical conclusion, this could take on aspects of when the Okinawans had to undertake practice and teaching of their martial arts under cover of darkness and secrecy when the Japanese took over and occupied their island.

    Bootleg deep squatting gyms. Knock on the door in a pattern of three sets of five and tell them Rip sent you.

  5. #5
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    I remember reading about the particulars of a woman who had to give up her hair braiding business due to new regulations and licensing requirements. Seriously? What are the long term damages that can occur from a bad braid?

    If trends don't change then this is the way thing will certainly go for coaches and it will largely be initiated by those in the field.

    When squatting is outlawed only outlaws will squat.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by icebergwtq View Post
    More than just trainers will need to fight. Those they train will have to join the battle as well.
    Good luck with that.
    There seem to be plenty of people on this very board who never saw a government regulation that they didn't like.

  7. #7
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    At first I thought all this sounded a bit far-fetched, but on second thought nothing would surprise me anymore, especially when it comes to Gov't overreach...

    So I did a bit of googling and found this: "Herbert, David L, DC Opts to Regulate Personal Trainers, The Exercise, Sports and Sports Medicine Standards & Malpractice Reporter, March, 2014, Volume 3, No. 2."

    I'd be interested to get Brodie's take on this stuff, if he happens upon the thread. For example, have there been rumblings of this type of regulation being proposed or making it's way through the bureaucracy? How could the rank-and-file help to avoid this type of crap from coming to fruition?

  8. #8
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    The first rule of Squat Club is you do not talk about Squat Club.

  9. #9
    dpg Guest


    Does the public really need to be protected from incompetent trainers the way it needs to be protected from incompetent doctors, plumbers, and bus drivers? I guess you could wind up with a training injury or something.

  10. #10
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    Midland, MI


    starting strength coach development program
    Rip, we had a good discussion on Twitter about this. It got me thinking.

    I'm also curious. You've shown a disdain for mainstream media that I've grown to share. What sources do you trust for national news? I've remained pretty detached but shit like this makes me want to pay more attention. Obviously, anything coming from a media outlet needs to be examined critically, but are there sources that you trust more than others?

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