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Thread: HLM progamming questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default HLM progamming questions

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    Hi guys, i have a question about the program that im into rigth now. Im running a HLM Program and i would like to know about what you guys thinks.

    My stats 6ft 2 235lbs close to minus 15%bf

    Squat 315x5 going up easily every week.
    deads currently 450lbsx5
    bench 285X5
    Press 175X5

    Im stil recovering from a complete pattela tendon tear who have been surged a year ago. I slowly go back to my previous squat level: 375X5

    Workout 1

    Bench: 180x5, 210x5, 235x5, 265x5, 295x5, 295X5, 235x8, 235x8

    Squat: After a 20min warm up (because of my knee)
    200x5, 230x5, 260X5, 290X5, 310X5, 310X5, 260X8

    Deadlift: 225X3, 315X2, 355X1, 405X1, 450X5

    Dips 3X10 bw+75lbs

    Abs Wheel roll out (standing up roll out against a wall then come back)

    Workout 2

    Press 5X5 165lbs (i add 2.5lbs next week and i do 5X3, next week 5X4, next week 5X5 ect....)

    Squat warm up then 200x5, 230x5

    Pendlays rows: 210X5 210X5 210X5

    chin up +25lbs: 15 15 15

    hyperextension 3x15

    Supended Crunch holding a 25lbs plate 3x10

    Curls 3X15

    workout 3

    Bench 180x5, 210x5, 235x5, 265x5, 235X8

    SQUAT 200x5, 230x5, 260X5, 290X5, 260x8

    Speed pulls with 3.5inch deficit 6x2 245LBS

    goodmorning 3x12 135lbs

    Pull ups +25lbs 3x12

    Curls 3X10


    I got solid result by doing the regular macdow Template but the triple on the bench and squat was killing me so i increased the stress on workout 1 and it seems to be stressful engouh and go for a 90% set on workout 3 then a back off set of 8.

    For the bench i try to do
    2X3 on the first week
    2X4 week 2
    2X5 Week 3
    2X3 Week 4 and add 5lbs
    2x4 week 5 ect ect.

    Should i be continue to do this or shoul i go and rotate 5', 3', 1' ?

    Deads seems to be stalling a bit, never try reset or rotating reps range when do u think have I to rotate or change anything?

    I dont do PC because my gym doesnt allow me to drop the weigth. So i do deficit deads for my speed pull days I think It helps me to be good at breaking off the ground.

    And sorry for my English guys.

    Thanks You

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    There is a lot of info in here, and I'm not exactly sure what you are asking me. To the two questions I saw in here....if the program is working then keep doing it. No need to change.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Just wondering if you think it was correct. What the process when your deads is stalling ? how do you rotate reps?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Be careful of too much pulling and/or "low back" volume. You can fatigue yourself so much with volume and exercises that you can't recover enough to make progress. Otherwise, deads like to be pulled heavy, so I'd start by working in some heavy singles to your heavy day and rotating in and out with heavy sets of 5.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    and I still feel i could manage a lot more in the squat but i feel my left leg is giving up, should i add unilateral stuff?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    starting strength coach development program
    No, bilateral squats should even you out

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