Hello good people of SS community,
I'm 21 yr old , 6'3 male currently weighing 78kg (lost 15 kg since last year) and still losing . I'm to join my country's military academy in July of 2022 and the acceptable weight according to my height according to their guidelines is 72 Kg (with a wiggle room of +/-10%) .I'm about to start the novice linear programming for the first time in the upcoming months , any tips on how should i periodize my diet and training so that i can be strong but also make the required weight . I'm sick and tired of being tall and weak , idgaf about abs i just want to be as strong as i can in this time period but also make the required weight .
Current 1 RMs : S-75Kg B-67.5Kg DL-100Kg OHP-45Kg
Any help will be appreciated , Thank You !