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Thread: Squat, Press, Deadlift check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Squat, Press, Deadlift check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I asked this guy who does 1/4 squats when I let him work in with me to record me. I was using the camera on my phone, and he couldn't work it right. I also don't think I'm comfortable bringing my phone to the gym like that.

    I was going to show my squat to my O-lifting coach last Thursday, but as Mike Tyson says, "Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face."

    I wanted to get my last warm up set and my single work set on the squat, but the guy fucked it up and only got my getting under the bar and me racking it for the work set. My work set of 275 for 5 was the same one from last week, but it felt better. I still messed up the last rep though, and good morninged it with two shots of espresso.

    Last warm up set for High Bar Squat - 235 x 2

    I wanted to get the 1st and 3rd sets for my press, but the guy messed up on the camera for the 3rd set, again. This is the same weight from Saturday. Also, is the depth low enough for it to be ATG?

    1st set of Press - 123.75 x 5

    Question on the Press - where should the bar rest at the bottom?

    Deadlift - 275 x 5

    I was not happy with my deadlift. I would like to set up with my hips even lower, although people may disagree. And there is no arch in my back, unfortunately.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Other than looking a little off-balance, the squats look good, IMO. So do the presses. But what's with the deadlift? You seem to be aware that most are going to tell you to raise your hips. There's simply no way you are going to be able to deadlift properly with your hips that low (let's not even talk about getting them lower) -- physics wont allow it. Just set your hip up where they are going to end up regardless (i.e., higher) and be done with it. Shoulders over/slightly in front of the bar, the bar over midfoot, and your back arched... let the hips end up where they may.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tamiki View Post

    I was not happy with my deadlift. I would like to set up with my hips even lower, although people may disagree. And there is no arch in my back,
    This is a massive understatement.

    Unless you are doing some weird exercise where you want to be in a inefficient & dangerous position you need to go and re-learn your deadlift.

    You seem to have caught "olympic deadlift" syndrome, you believe in a lift that does not exist. Yes some OL lifters like to keep their hips low at the beginning of a pull, but that is for a clean which is done at submaximal loads. The position is believed by some to make the clean work better, but people like Rip & Tommy Kono would recommend higher hips just like a deadlift.

    If you try to deadlift with hips low, they will come back up to the correct height and the bar will roll back towards your body. You are just making the whole thing a lot more awkward, clumsy and potentially dangerous.

    Dangerous because your back is MASSIVELY rounded.

    Go the excellently detailed instruction in SS already. If you dont have it, just look at Rip's deadlift setup video's on youtube or the wiki page.

    Like Raskolnokov said, everything else is looking pretty decent. Well done, but if you are training for OL and doing high bar squats, you should really get some lifting shoes.
    Last edited by Dastardly; 03-23-2010 at 07:10 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
    Other than looking a little off-balance, the squats look good, IMO. So do the presses. But what's with the deadlift?
    Okay, thanks. Yeah, I got a little off balance on the 2nd rep.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    This is a massive understatement.

    Unless you are doing some weird exercise where you want to be in a inefficient & dangerous position you need to go and re-learn your deadlift.

    Dangerous because your back is MASSIVELY rounded.
    I am going to do just that (re-learn my deadlift). I noticed tonight that I keep a much tighter arch when I'm doing my O-lift work.

    So I'll look at setting up with the correct hip height and work on maintaining a back arch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    Well done, but if you are training for OL and doing high bar squats, you should really get some lifting shoes.
    I just got some (VS athletics), but my coach told me not to make the switch to the shoes immediately for my squat, but wear them on my warm up sets and increase the weight I'm squatting with them gradually.

    Okay, thanks for your time guys.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    does anyone else think the OP's lower back rounds at the bottom of his squats? hard to tell though.

    also, i found out recently that form matters a LOT when pressing. it gets a lot easier form me when i have the bar on top of my front delts almost touching my neck with my trap flexed. the bar is too far in front of you at the bottom imo. getting it closer to your center of gravity should help.

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