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Thread: Pursuit of strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Pursuit of strength

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I am here to log my endevour upon Rip's Novice Program as outlined in "Practical Programming".

    Personal Stats:
    Sex: Male
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 197
    Bodyfat: ~28% (as measured by an electronic home bodyfat scale of questionable reliability)
    Bodytype: Endo dominant / Meso

    Workout 1: 02/01/2010
    Squats: 155x5x3
    Chinups: -85x9x2

    I spent some time during this workout experimenting, trying to figure out some good weights, I believe the squats might be a little heavy and the press a little light, but I will go with a linear progression from here.
    Last edited by feebes; 10-31-2010 at 08:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    Squat: 165x5x3
    Deadlift: 185x5x1
    Bench: 125x5x2

    Squat felt heavy. I'm wondering if I chose too high of a weight too early. I knocked them all out but the bar speed was variable

    Deadlift felt good

    Just like the last workout I was experimenting with bench weights to find a good one for me to start with. I worked my way up to 125 and knocked out my first 5 no problem. The second 5 was another story. The spotter told me he didn't help, but man, the bar was slow for the last 2 reps. I think I was just getting tired.
    Last edited by feebes; 02-06-2010 at 05:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    re: spotter help. If somebody else touches the bar, it doesn't count. That's the rule. There's such a thing as starting too light, but I don't think you're in danger of it. You catch up quickly. If you're in doubt, go lower and you'll catch up. It'll be a difference of a week or two in like a three or four month program that, hopefully, will be the beginning of a much larger training history. Starting too heavy, however, will get you stuck and that could waste up to a month and not be pleasant.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    02/05/2010 -

    Squats: Started Too heavy - I am going to reevaluate my starting weight on Monday.
    Press: 70x5x3
    Pull-ups: -80x8x3

    I had trouble with my progression on squats and its become clear I started too heavy. I will go to the gym on Monday and find the lightest weight that slows down the bar or compromises my form and restart from there.

    Press felt good

    Pull-ups were fine. I am going to failure each set. The rep number I report will be the set where I failed the earliest.

    re. spotters: I may have to ask them not to touch. You know how they like to stick their hands under the bar for no good reason.

    Either way, the issue I had with the squat is making me rethink all my weights. I don't want to fail again. I am going to do the same reevaluation with the bench-press on Wednesday. Probably the deadlift as well.
    Last edited by feebes; 02-06-2010 at 05:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Getting good spotters is a constant nightmare; read my log for numerous such stories. It seems no matter what I say, they always want to get their hands on the bar. Although, I had a guy last week ask me for a spot, and he was like, "Help me on the liftoff, but after that, stand over there and don't touch anything." I may try a variant of that approach from now on. I also find that telling the guy something like, "Now unfortunately, almost everyone gets this wrong, but I have a special instruction for how I like to get spotted, and here it is" can also help, because then they pay more attention.
    Last edited by WatsupHannity; 02-06-2010 at 02:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by feebes View Post
    Press: 70x3x5
    I think you mean 70x5x3, right? (3 sets of 5 reps)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Welcome, Feebes. I wish I knew at age 27 what I know now at 58. You young guys have an incredible advantage with books like SS and the internet. The only criticism I have is with your goals. They are admirable, but much too vague.

    Goals should be:

    • S Specific
    • M Measurable
    • A Attainable
    • R Relevant
    • T Time-bound

    Otherwise they are just wishes. I recommend you set short term goals and long term goals. When you attain the short term goals you get a sense of accomplishment that causes you to want to stick to the program and motivates you to struggle towards the long term goal.

    Sorry to sound preachy, but I have kids that never took my advice and now I'm taking it out on you guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiburon View Post
    I think you mean 70x5x3, right? (3 sets of 5 reps)
    Yes, you're right. I'll go correct those.

    El Viejo

    Well that makes creating goals a whole lot more difficult.

    I appreciate your advice. I'll have to put together some goal-numbers. I agree holding myself accountable to something more specific is a good idea. Thanks.
    Last edited by feebes; 02-06-2010 at 05:57 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Baltimore, MD


    Quote Originally Posted by feebes View Post

    Squat: 165x5x3
    Deadlift: 185x5x1
    Bench: 125x5x2

    Squat felt heavy. I'm wondering if I chose too high of a weight too early. I knocked them all out but the bar speed was variable

    Deadlift felt good

    Just like the last workout I was experimenting with bench weights to find a good one for me to start with. I worked my way up to 125 and knocked out my first 5 no problem. The second 5 was another story. The spotter told me he didn't help, but man, the bar was slow for the last 2 reps. I think I was just getting tired.
    If this was the order of your workout, that may be the reason your bench suffered. Put it before your deadlift from now on. Your deadlift won't suffer nearly as much from being 3rd as your bench press will.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Diesel View Post
    If this was the order of your workout, that may be the reason your bench suffered. Put it before your deadlift from now on. Your deadlift won't suffer nearly as much from being 3rd as your bench press will.
    Thanks. I'll do that tonight.

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