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Thread: Building Up to 1st PL Meet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Building Up to 1st PL Meet

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Male, 35, 5'7", 200ish

    SS LP results(Feb 2014-Sept 2014):
    SQUAT 270x5x3, 280x5
    PRESS 120x5x3
    BENCH 185x5x3
    DL 320x5
    Previous log:

    Not spectacular #s by any means, but I'm happy with my progress. My last few training sessions lead me to believe stalls are just around the corner. I've done resets on all lifts already, so figured its time to move on.

    Mentally, I'm ready to be done with 3 sets of 5 so my program will be: I'm looking forward to one hard set per session and being finished in under 1.5 hrs. I will also do 30 min of fasted LISS by incline treadmill walking in the morning before breakfast 5 days a week.

    For now, I mainly interested in general strength increase and leaning out a little. I intend to compete in 2015. I am fortunate to have 3 different USAPL meets within an hour or so drive and a 4th that's probably 4-5 hours away.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Mon Sept 22

    30 min fasted LISS = walking up and down a hill in the neighborhood

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Waverly, IA


    Good luck. You can't argue with Petrizzo's results. Obviously, that program was designed for him, but hopefully it'll give you some benefit as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Klemetson View Post
    Good luck. You can't argue with Petrizzo's results. Obviously, that program was designed for him, but hopefully it'll give you some benefit as well.
    Thanks Nick. I'll give it a try for a few months and see what happens. Hopefully by Spring 2015 I'll have the resources for Andy's services.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Tue Sept 23

    30 min LISS hill walking

    3x6 band-assisted chins(2 reds & 2 oranges)

    245x8, 135x10

    Chins assistance circuit
    2x10 Push-ups
    15x10x2 DB rows
    15x10x2 DB curls

    Wowsa on 8 rep squats and the 10 rep backoff! Legs are sore already. Safeties were set 1 hole too high so hit them on a few reps.

    Took it nice and easy on circuit stuff. Just want to be gradual and consistent with everything in the new routine.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Wed Sept 24

    30 min LISS

    Thu Sept 25

    30 min LISS

    BENCH 170x8, 135x10
    PUSHDOWNS 40x15, 60x12, 50x10
    LTE 20x10x3

    Bench went good. Felt like my butt may have come up on last couple reps of 170. Or it could be the glutes contracting on leg drive. I've noticed this before. Probably need someone to watch to be sure. Tricep accessory stuff is new and will take some getting used to. Was in and out of gym in ~1 hour...SUPER!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Fri Sept 26
    30 min LISS

    Sat Sept 27
    LIGHT SQUAT 195x5x2
    DL 290x8, 225x10

    Light squats and DL warmups felt weak. Probs cuz I'm not adapted to morning training. Usually train after work with a majority of the day's eating consumed. Oh well. Got all top set reps and all backoff reps on DL. Rested longer than normal because of chatting with some 20something dudes about PL competing in 2015. They seem interested, so might work on getting a PL group going. Maybe a certain IA SSC could consult/train on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Just thoughts for now....

    Realized I forgot my chins today. Was scheduled for Chin Intensity day according to Gillian's chin program.
    Last edited by JTC_MN; 09-27-2014 at 01:03 PM. Reason: Forgot my chins

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Mon Sept 29
    30 min LISS

    Tue Sept 30
    30 min LISS

    3x8 band-assisted chins
    Press 110x8, 80x10x2
    CG Bench 45x10, 65x10 95x10
    Dips 10, 6, 7

    I've now done all 4 lifts on new program. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking this isn't enough lifting. That is only based on my experience of full body 3x5s from LP. As Andy said in his article, this is a short, focused, intensity based program. It definitely more enjoyable and less time-consuming for me. So hopefully I progress on it. Stay tuned....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Wed Oct 1
    30 min LISS

    Thu Oct 2

    30 min LISS

    Squat 250x8, 150x10

    Chins Assistance circuit
    Pushups 3x15
    DB Rows 25x15x3
    Curls 30x15x3 (one of those pre-weighted bars)

    Squats were good. Can see how 8s help with 5s. Looking forward to keep going with this program. I've decided to do Chin asst stuff on Squat and DL days. Pressing days are pretty taxing on upper body already with tricep asst stuff. Sounds like at least a couple of guys at the gym are interested in PL stuff. One of them even talked with gym owner about getting a group/club going. I might see if they want to go to a nearby Feb meet and be spectators with me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Fri Oct 3
    30 min LISS

    Sat Oct 4
    Bench 175x7, 105x10x2
    Chins 4, 2, 2
    LTE 30(+ bar)x15x3
    OH Ext 20x15, 25x12, 30x12

    Was disappointed with bench performance today. Was supposed to get 8, barely grinded out 7. Immediately started thinking this program isn't going to work. 2 things may have contributed to poor performance:
    1) morning lifting which I'm not fond of
    2) not proper warm-up
    I have to commit to this program and cycle through a few times for an accurate conclusion.

    Struggling with technique on LTEs since its a new lift for me. Maybe need to go heavier. Also trying to find tricep assistance stuff that I like. I like dips and CG bench, but working on finding a couple others. I need to have 3-4 tricep lifts that I progress regularly. What are some of your fav tricep lifts?

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