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Thread: Form checks please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Form checks please

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    To prove that I've watched them, I'll mention what I see:
    For squat set 2, I might have only hit parallel on 1 rep. Or am I too hard on myself?
    I also see my right knee cave in a couple of times.
    For set 3, I see the same issue with parallel, and with my knee.
    I also see the bar twisting -- the right side getting closer to the hooks. Is that because of the knee?
    And of course, some major "butt wink" on all of them.

    For both OHP sets, I think I'm not shrugging my shoulders up at the lockout, but otherwise looks OK.

    So my specific questions:
    What is going on with my right knee, and how do I fix it?
    What am I NOT seeing wrong with what I'm doing?
    Would you call these good enough (as per Rip's of course form breaks down, or it's not a 5RM), and up the weight next time, or are these so egregiously bad, that I should stay at this weight, or even deload?

    I have a hard time trying to find the balance between "do more weight every time, form be damned", and "get the form right before you go up". I don't want to wimp out on adding weight, but neither do I want to settle for crap form. And I tend to be a harsh critic of myself -- when I know what I'm looking for anyway.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    San Francisco


    Oy. That is some serious knee cave.

    I'd do two things. First, get some weightlifting shoes. Those things look about as stable as a Kardashian marriage. Second, SHOVE YOUR KNEE OUT. I can't tell you how to do this any more than I can tell you how to raise your right arm. Just do it. It's not easy. Your adductors will fight you. You'll feel tension on your adductors. That's how it's supposed to feel. Can you sit in a chair and spread your legs like you're Sharon Stone in an interrogation room, only wider? Do the same thing the whole way down and up in the squat.

    You're not hitting depth, but shoving your knees out will help with this.

    Don't say butt wink. That term as been banished from this forum. Just squeeze your abs tighter and focus on keeping your lower back tight.

    I usually tell people to keep adding weight, but I'd fix the knee thing first. You're going to have to really think KNEES OUT the whole time and that easier if you're not also thinking HOLY FUCK THIS IS HEAVY.


    This is not a good angle. Take it from the side.

    Having said that, there's a few things wrong I *can* see.

    More hips.
    Get under the bar much faster.
    Narrow your grip by a finger on each side.
    Shrug your shoulders at the top. Hard. Drive the bar through the ceiling.
    Your grip might have too much wrist extension, I can't tell because of the angle. Read Jordan's excellent article on this here on the front page of the site.

    And most importantly - and EVERYONE should read this:
    Lift like the bar just hit on your girlfriend and she liked it. A lot. I could post this video on Merriam Webster's site next to 'laconic.'

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Thanks for the feedback!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    San Francisco


    Quote Originally Posted by Lamneth View Post
    Thanks for the feedback!
    You are welcome.

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