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Thread: Olympic lifting nutritional advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Olympic lifting nutritional advice

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hey Jordan,
    I'm (supposedly) a competitive olympic lifter, 22 years old, 180cm height, 85-87kg (unknown bodyfat).

    I'm currently doing a program which is similar to the Starr Model, specifically:
    I train 5 days a week and every day I do:

    Snatch: 3x3xYweight, add 5kgx2x2, if good: add some weight for 2 singles (PR 75kg)
    Clean and Jerk: same as above (PR 100kg)
    Clean/Snatch Pull: 3x3 sets across with 10-20kg more than my PR competition lift
    ATG Back/Front Squats: 3x3 sets across (until now I did 3x5) (Back PR: 117,5kgx3x3, Front PR: 115x1)
    Press/Bench: Finished novice progression. Now scheduled like in Texas method (Press PR 3x5x60kg, Bench: 3x5x82,5)

    Snatch is performed first for one workout and clean and Jerk is perfomed first for the second workout etc.
    The pulls and squats are also alternated each workout.
    I still do the novice progression on the back squat.
    No other exercise/conditioning.

    As for my diet I typically eat 3 meals each day:

    Breakfast: fresh orange juice, 1 banana, 100g whole grain bread with 50-100g cheddar cheese, 2-3 eggs. Maybe some milk.

    Lunch: salad, some more cheese (usually I eat 100-150g everyday total), 150g pasta or potatoes and 150g meat or fish.

    Dinner: same as lunch, but usually with bigger portions.
    I usually drink 1 litre milk before or after dinner and 200g strained yogurt. Occasionally I eat 50g nuts too.

    I counted the macros and I roughly got: 200g protein, 230g carbs, 150 fat, 3000 calories.

    As for supplementation I only take multivitamins (made quite a difference especially with how tired I feel when I wake up), and cod liver oil capsules (though with 100g EPA/DHA; too little). I will start taking creatine soon. No protein powders. No pre-workout supps, nor post-workout (but if I have it's usually milk or yogurt).

    My question/problem: I feel too tired after my first lift and usually suck on my second technical lift for the day. However I do well on the strength lifts afterwards (sometimes I have no energy for them too). I usually feel very hungry after the 1st hour of lifting. I also feel tired the next day after heavy clean and Jerks and usually ruins the whole workout.

    Is there something that I can do to have more energy for the workouts? (I never was full of energy though) The question includes altering both meals and supplementation, though I would like to avoid protein powders because I will have to pay them. (whereas milk is on my parents shopping list; yeah I live with my parents, college student here)

    Thanks for your time,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    When do you train with regards to your eating schedule? Do you train 5x per week in a row? How strong is your stomach, i.e. do you think you could eat while training?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    When do you train with regards to your eating schedule? Do you train 5x per week in a row? How strong is your stomach, i.e. do you think you could eat while training?
    I finish eating lunch around 14:00-15:00(maximum) and start training around 17:00. I train Monday-Wednesday, Thursday ussually off-but sometimes I train lightly,Friday on, and lightly (power versions) on Saturday. Sunday and Thursday are usually off. I think I could try eating something light.
    Last edited by Hercp; 12-30-2012 at 12:34 PM. Reason: grammar

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Hercp View Post
    I finish eating lunch around 14:00-15:00(maximum) and start training around 17:00. I train Monday-Wednesday, Thursday ussually off-but sometimes I train lightly,Friday on, and lightly (power versions) on Saturday. Sunday and Thursday are usually off. I think I could try to eat somethink light.
    I think you'll find that you're going to have to moderate your volume and intensity on your consecutive days of training, just due to the overall stress. But you'll figure that out as you go along. At any rate, I'd make a little meal consisting of something like 2-3 peeled and pureed sweet potatoes + applesauce all mixed together and topped with cinnamon. I'd start taking a bite or two as soon as your work sets start for your first technical lift. I'd also think about having a bit of coffee or tea right before training. The other thing I'd do is to have an extra 0.5 L of milk right after your workout and keep everything else the same.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I always drink a double espresso before training. Will do with the milk. Can I substitute the sweet potatoes with something else because we don't buy that stuff?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Hercp View Post
    I always drink a double espresso before training. Will do with the milk. Can I substitute the sweet potatoes with something else because we don't buy that stuff?
    Yea. I'm partial to sweet potatoes due to the carbohydrate profile and micronutrient (especially potassium) content. Basically, you're trying to whip up something that's really easy to put down (so liquid or puree is better than solid) with a good whack of carbs (50-60g) that will absorb quickly and low fat. An Oly dude I used to train with did a liter of orange juice during training. I'm a protein shake + carb kinda guy (or protein bar), but you can get creative. If you have coconut oil or heavy whipping cream you could also do a tbsp or 2 with your double expresso to make it last a bit longer.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Thanks for the tips, I will try them next week and update on how it goes. I wish you a happy new year!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Asheville, NC


    I'm not trying to be an asshole here, I am really trying to say what has worked for me.

    I train 6 days a week. For the past month, I've been doing really well on coffee and a donut pre-training.

    If you are training 5 days a week, then you are probably going to feel beat up the day after heavy clean and jerks. That's just how it works. Expect one awesome day, one complete shit day, and three days where you just get your reps in. Anything else is icing on the cake - or donut.

    But, if you feel beat up in general, I would tell you to get some more protein in.
    Last edited by Tamara Reynolds; 12-31-2012 at 09:25 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Donuts and coffee will definitely work for sure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Now that you mentioned donuts, I remember I had a good energy boost eating dark chocolate before training when I did SS, 2 years ago. I might start it again... And yeah, when I started measuring how much protein I got and made sure is close to 190g daily, it made quite a difference. Maybe I need to have more consistency with that.

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