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Thread: Olympia Bumper Plates

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Olympia Bumper Plates

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    I'm going to purchasing bumper plates in the next month and I'm fairly set on getting the 260# set of Hi-Temps, but I found some Olympia Plates on Amazon that are very inexpensive and come with a stand. Has anybody seen these?

    Are they legit or should I stick with the Hi-Temps?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sheffield, England


    i'm not fluent with the combination of lbs and bumper plate colours but am assuming they would follow similar lines to the kg colour coding- so a 55lb would be red like the 25kg plates. so why is the 10lb plate green, when a 10kg plate (which weighs 22lb) is green in the proper coding? and same with the others. like i say i dunno, check it against some other lb sets of bumpers.
    i mean it doesn't really matter as the set you provide the link for is apparently black (see the reviews) but it would make me worry a bit if the manufacturers didn't know what colours olympic bumper plates are supposed to be.
    then again i might be wrong.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD


    $180 for shipping (total cast $680) makes the price pretty bad in comparison to the Hi-Temps (Where you pay no shipping - $498).

    Are you buying bumpers for PC or because you are interested in Oly lifts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Asheville, NC


    Yeah, I'm not sure how the math is adding up to make you think that those plates are a good deal...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Shipping is a bit extreme on those. I didn't realize it was so much, but they do come with the plate rack which is $155 from Rogue. The Olympia brand can also be found on eBay for about $50 cheaper at times, plus shipping is $150. I am planning on doing the oly lifts and currently use iron plates for power cleans. I've scoured the Internet looking for any legitimate reviews on the plates, but no one seems to have used them. I'll probabably go with the Hi-temps since they are very well reviewed.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Asheville, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by MongoloidMormon View Post
    Shipping is a bit extreme on those. I didn't realize it was so much, but they do come with the plate rack which is $155 from Rogue. The Olympia brand can also be found on eBay for about $50 cheaper at times, plus shipping is $150. I am planning on doing the oly lifts and currently use iron plates for power cleans. I've scoured the Internet looking for any legitimate reviews on the plates, but no one seems to have used them. I'll probabably go with the Hi-temps since they are very well reviewed.
    Hi Temps, Pendlay Econs, Wright or Troy bumpers will all be cheaper and have the benefit of thousands of people using them and being able to attest to their quality.

    You don't need a plate rack for a single set of bumpers. It looks nice, but unless you are using competition plates, just stack them on the floor or make a rack out of 2x4s for a few bucks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Fort Washington, MD


    Quote Originally Posted by TBone View Post
    ......or make a rack out of 2x4s for a few bucks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Bedford Texas

    Default Olympia/Hi-temp bumpers...

    I have bought many of both for our high school and they have worked well for the last 11 years, the 45's will last a long time but some of 35's and most of the 25's eventually lose the metal insert/sleeve part with all the dropping and need to be replaced. This is ofcourse with hundreds of kids using them every week so they have held up well. I have a set of Kraiburgs (I think they are all high temp) at home in the garage and when its just you and a couple other people using them (and not abusing them like some kids do) they last a long time.

    One thing to look at, the high school bought some olympia bumpers several years ago and they showed up but were the ones with the metal plate with a two inch rubber strip around the outside, we thought they might work ok but they ended up bending alot of bars when we dropped them, ended up using them for door stops or on sleds etc...

    The new solid olympia ones are more solid and don't have the bounce of some of the older hi temps and they are a bit smaller/shorter when you put them on the bar with a set of hi temps or kraiburgs......

    Hope this helps, right now our weightrooms at the junior high and high school are filled with a combination of Hi-Temps, Olympias, and Troy bumpers and they all work just fine, not sure on the price off hand since we get a pretty good deal as we buy several at a time...

    John Janecek
    Last edited by John Janecek; 05-29-2011 at 12:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Syracuse, NY


    starting strength coach development program
    I bought bumpers from Wright. Love them. Shipping was not expensive at all.

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