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Thread: Older lifter on NLP and weekly training sessions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default Older lifter on NLP and weekly training sessions

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Officially 3 weeks into SSNLP plus 3 weeks on a similar program (3 times per week; 3x5 reps).
    57 year old male, 5'8" no injuries or high stress.

    Weight : 147lbs
    S: 55lbs
    P: 45lbs
    B: 45lbs
    DL: 90lbs

    Weight : 152lbs
    S: 116 lbs
    P: 72 lbs
    B: 101lbs
    DL: 210lbs

    I began struggling with recovery and reduced to 2 days per week. Mon/Fri. I find this slightly too much recovery, at 3 days, but if I reduced that to 2 day rest, then this would mean training on a weekend which I can't manage due to family comitments. I'm still progressing on all lifts, no stalls as yet, keeping the weight increase manageable with as good a form as I can manage.

    I wondered if it was worth adding a light day mid week, or just a session of support exercises like chins and rows and if so, what should I be aiming to do ?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Ya, a lighter, assistancy type day mid-week would probably be good. But understanding exactly what you're doing now would be helpful first, to make sure. From what you wrote, I gather this is your current schedule:
    Squat 3x5, add some weight - looks like you're microloading?
    Press 3x5, add some weight, microloading
    Deadlift, 1x5 or 3x5? Not sure. Add some weight, not microloading?

    Same as Mon except bench instead of press.

    Is that what you're currently doing? (And if the day you bench vs press is the other way around, that's fine - inconsequential for our purposes here).
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 12-13-2017 at 10:20 PM. Reason: corrected days

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Ya, a lighter, assistancy type day mid-week would probably be good. But understanding exactly what you're doing now would be helpful first, to make sure. From what you wrote, I gather this is your current schedule:
    Squat 3x5, add some weight - looks like you're microloading?
    Press 3x5, add some weight, microloading
    Deadlift, 1x5 or 3x5? Not sure. Add some weight, not microloading?

    Same as Mon except bench instead of press.

    Is that what you're currently doing? (And if the day you bench vs press is the other way around, that's fine - inconsequential for our purposes here).
    Yes the SSNLP 3x5 except the DL @1 X 5
    I had to back my squat down due to poor form, but I'm currently adding 5lbs a session. Starting to struggle a bit, but still moving.
    Press is going very slow and micro loading.
    DL adding 5lbs at a time and now a long way ahead of squat (as of today squat 130lbs and DL 225)
    Yes, Bench one session, then press the next. Still adding to bench by micro loading.
    Currently Mon and Fri.

    I bought the Barbell prescription which suggests I might well be close to my natural limit anyway at this point (indeed it suggests that if the DL is running too far ahead of the squat it's most likely that it's time to change to advanced novice).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    To clarify, one set of five in the deadlift IS what the SSLP calls for, generally.

    Since you're only squatting twice per week, you're already effectively doing the advanced novice program. The next step for you would be to change to one heavy and one lighter squat per week. But I don't know if you need to do that yet, if you can go up twice a week at 5 lbs each and still recover to do so twice a week. I'd first look at doing one heavy and one light deadlift session, instead. One day add five lbs, the next day do a set of five with 10-15% less than you did on the heavy day.

    Wednesday you can do some very light squats (or skip them altogether if they cause any pain or anything), add in the pressing movement (so you'll still alternate press and bench and microload, just do each three times every two weeks, instead of once a week), and then do some chins or lat pulldowns. That would probably be good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Yes, as the standard novice progression 1 set of 5 reps.

    I was cognisant of the 'masters do better keeping the intensity high and reducing the volume' mentioned in the 'barbell prescription' book with regard to reduced intensity sets ?

    Luckily I don't have any serious pain doing any of the lifts, I just get really tired and can't properly function for 2 days. It wouldn't have bothered me 20 years ago, but my recovery just isn't as quick as it once was.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2010


    If we were swapping out two sets of five DLs per week at a new 5 lb heavier weight for 5x5 @85% on Monday and 3x8 @75% on Friday, that might be an issue. But we're not. What I'm suggesting is not that you raise volume, but that you keep volume exactly the same for now, but reduce the intensity of one of your two DL days. Do you understand that distinction?

    If squatting feels good, do a light squat session on Wednesday, something like 3x3 at 70-75% of the weight you used for a new heaviest set of 5 on the Monday two days earlier. Then do your pressing movement then some chins or pulldowns. Good to go.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    If we were swapping out two sets of five DLs per week at a new 5 lb heavier weight for 5x5 @85% on Monday and 3x8 @75% on Friday, that might be an issue. But we're not. What I'm suggesting is not that you raise volume, but that you keep volume exactly the same for now, but reduce the intensity of one of your two DL days. Do you understand that distinction?

    If squatting feels good, do a light squat session on Wednesday, something like 3x3 at 70-75% of the weight you used for a new heaviest set of 5 on the Monday two days earlier. Then do your pressing movement then some chins or pulldowns. Good to go.
    Yes, I understand the distinction and thanks for the reply.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Hi Michael can I run this past you to see if I have this right ?

    S 3x5 @ 5lbs increase
    P 3x5 @ micro increase
    DL 1x5 @ 5lb increase

    S 3x3 (75%)
    B 3x5 micro increase
    Lat pulls/chins

    S 3x5 5lb increase
    B 3x5 micro increase
    DL 1x5 (85%)

    S 3x5 5lb increase
    P 3x5 micro increase
    DL 1x5 5lb increase

    S 3x3 (75%)
    B 3x5 micro increase
    Lat pulls/chins

    S 3x5 5lb increase
    P 3x5 micro increase
    DL 1x5 (85%)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Correct, except for the pressing slot. Week 1 should be PBP, and week 2 should be BPB.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks Michael. That's my new programme sorted for a few weeks. I'm guessing the next change will be to a lighter squat day 85/90% once I start to stall on the squat ? Also, would it be OK to alternate rows at some point for the chins ?

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