Recently started recording my lifts and so I figured I should post them up in addition to analyzing them myself. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Deadlifts (first set's video isn't too long, but for the rest you're safe to just skip to about 30-35s in):
First set

Second set

Third set

Fourth set

Fifth set

Main issue I'm seeing is that my bar path seems to curve back towards me a little bit as I get it to my knees, which I assume means that I'm starting with the bar too far out initially? This seems to fit with what I feel during the lift, since once I get it to my knees I feel like I'm basically guaranteed to lock it out. Using a mixed/alternate grip for these, as I find hook grip plain uncomfortable.

Squats (similar to above, I seem to take about 30-40s to prepare for the lift after starting the video, so just skip to about there):

Second set

Third set

I failed at hitting record on the first set, so it's just the second and third, and I'm also still trying to find a good spot to put the camera for these, hence the potentially shitty angles.

My depth on a few reps seems a little questionable, but I think overall I was fine on these.