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Thread: Follow up on previous form check and knee pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Follow up on previous form check and knee pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello I'm following up with last weeks post about knee pain and low back squat,

    I have reviewed the bar position for the low back squat and have determined that I was still putting the bar into a high. After finding the "shelf" on my back I was able to get the squat but I found it very uncomfortable. I felt like I was being pushed forward by the bar and that the bar itself was going to slip from my hands. I used a relative heavy load so it might just be that I have to get used to holding it there. This means for the meantime (duration of KISS program) I will probably still use the high bar position. When I reset the weights I think it will be a good time to try and get used to squatting low bar.

    Here's a video of the low bar squat:

    In the meantime I also realized why my right knee was hurting. After going back to squatting with the higher bar position I noticed that on the decent, when I tried to push my knees out, my right foot would roll over on the side arches. On the ascent, my foot would shift from pushing through the side arches to the heel and that would cause my right knee would come in. I

    If you'd like to take a look at the high bar as well and maybe point out other flaws I would appreciate that as well, I tried to focus on pushing through my heels the whole time and not let my foot roll onto the side arches.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I am not sure what the side arches are, but you want to have the weight equally distributed across the foot, not just in the heels. Heels is better than toes, but balanced is best of all. Your low bar squat has too narrow of a grip. Why not try going wider before giving up all together? Hast thou read the Blue Book?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    I am not sure what the side arches are, but you want to have the weight equally distributed across the foot, not just in the heels. Heels is better than toes, but balanced is best of all. Your low bar squat has too narrow of a grip. Why not try going wider before giving up all together? Hast thou read the Blue Book?
    Hey Tom,

    I read the SS 2.0 probably two years ago, a friend lend it to me. I'll give it another shot on Tuesday and try widening my grip.

    As far as the foot position, I guess I meant the sides of my feet instead of side arches. I see what you mean, upon further squatting I realized that I was rolling onto the sides of my feet because of how I was imagining the "knees out" cue. Instead of pushing my knees to the sides, I instead thought of rotating the knees out and pushing hard to keep them out. I don't know if that makes sense but that seemed to help keep the right knee from moving at the bottom of the squat.

    Thanks for looking at everything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Be sure to check out the third edition, not the second. The third is more complete and has all kinds of good things in it.

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