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Thread: need advice on the eccentric phase of the lowbar squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default need advice on the eccentric phase of the lowbar squat

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    hey guys can you do a quick form check on my squat? i know im not going below parallel, the reason is if i attempt to go any lower my hamstring will "slack" as mark rippetoe says. I can actually go way past parallel with a neutral spine if i wanted but in return i would lose tension on my hamstring. In this video im being super conscious of shoving my knees to the side and not letting them come foward. another thing is i have a problem getting my stance to be symmetric. any tips?
    Last edited by ssbeginnerz; 06-16-2015 at 07:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Northampton, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by ssbeginnerz View Post
    hey guys can you do a quick form check on my squat? i know im not going below parallel, the reason is if i attempt to go any lower my hamstring will "slack" as mark rippetoe says. I can actually go way past parallel with a neutral spine if i wanted but in return i would lose tension on my hamstring. In this video im being super conscious of shoving my knees to the side and not letting them come foward. another thing is i have a problem getting my stance to be symmetric. any tips?
    If the spine is neutral and the knees don't go forward, the hamstrings can't slacken as you go lower. It's anatomically impossible. Get that out of your head.

    I can't judge your depth accurately from the angle you shot the video. You look close to parallel but a little high. Read the sticky on camera angles and shoot your video from the prescribed angle.

    Practice the eccentric portion of the squat without a bar and be confident in the movement. When you have the bar on your back, take your big breath, tighten up, and commit to the movement. You're doing a slow, tentative eccentric squat, then coming back up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default here is a better angle from today, it was a good set as far as feeling it on my glutes and hamstrings. but i was still holding back when descending, i tried your advice during the next set and my left knee felt like it went foward a little. if i do it this way everything feels stable the only problem is i feel like im not hitting my depth potential. do you think this is adequate depth?
    Last edited by ssbeginnerz; 06-17-2015 at 10:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Northampton, MA

    Default need advice on the eccentric phase of the lowbar squat

    Much better angle.

    Ok, your knees aren't going forward enough. Knees should be at or just in front of toes. Get the knees forward early then sit down and back into the hole, keeping the knees in place. Depth is very close right now. But fix those knees and depth isn't going to be a problem. Plus you'll be able to squat much more weight.
    Last edited by Anthony King; 06-18-2015 at 04:13 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    alright i will try that, thanks for the tip.

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