Please show us a set of 5.
This didn't look too bad, but for better feedback we need to see more reps. And with a 125 pound max, you really need to stick to fives as a general practice as you have no real need to test a 1RM.
This is my PR for press at 125lbs. Am I leaning too far back? Any input is very appreciated! Thanks
125 lbs press single - May 26, 2016 - YouTube
Please show us a set of 5.
This didn't look too bad, but for better feedback we need to see more reps. And with a 125 pound max, you really need to stick to fives as a general practice as you have no real need to test a 1RM.
Thanks for the feedback Bill. Unfourtunatly, I can not do a set of 5 at that weight. My working weight is 3x5 @ 88lbs. I'll upload a video of that for feedback. I filmed this last night after my SS training for kicks. I'll stick with the regular programming