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Thread: First run at TM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky

    Default First run at TM

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Just finished my first cycle of TM, through two phases, over 21 weeks. During this time I set a 5x5 PR with 365x5x5 and on the final week of intensity day I took out a 1RM of 445. It's worth mentioning that I only applied TM to my squat. I'm still using LP for bench and press due to elbow issues over the past year, which progress has been slow. Now I plan to build my fives up until my bench and press are ready for WP, which is getting close, then switch to a less stressful program like a split, considering I don't compete, and am an average old Joe who works in a molding facility, drinks too much, and typically doesn't sleep well!

    5x5 PR

    365 X 5 set 5 - YouTube

    1 Rep Max

    445x1 1RM - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Nice work man! That 445 looked pretty easy before and after the sticking point.
    One thing though, don't lower the bar to the hooks, go forward until you hit the uprights, then lower. You could miss one day and Big Wreck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    What did you start your squat at for TM? I remember you've been diligent with posting form checks. Volume day looks like its getting hard.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    Quote Originally Posted by Coconut Chris View Post
    What did you start your squat at for TM? I remember you've been diligent with posting form checks. Volume day looks like its getting hard.
    Thanks Chris. I ended my Lp at 350 X 5 X 3. I conservatively choose 335 as my first intensity day workout, 90% of that for my volume day workout. This offload allowed me to progress on fives for quite a while. Upon starting phase two I reset my volume day weights by 5%, this helped a lot. after I hit 345 volume days were grueling. That 365x5x5 was the toughest thing I ever did physically.
    Last edited by Bradley Gish; 07-16-2016 at 07:19 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    Quote Originally Posted by damufunman View Post
    Nice work man! That 445 looked pretty easy before and after the sticking point.
    One thing though, don't lower the bar to the hooks, go forward until you hit the uprights, then lower. You could miss one day and Big Wreck.
    Thanks damufunman, I have bout fucked myself up a couple of times by putting the bar back in the rack like that.

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