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Thread: Squat and deadlift checks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Default Squat and deadlift checks

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Squat 215lb: YouTube

    Deadlift 225lb: YouTube

    I filmed my press but pressed the bar right out of the frame. Next time. Deadlift could also have a better angle. I keep thinking I'm going deep on my squats, but video evidence shows that I'm not breaking parallel.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Your squats looked fine. Depth was borderline on a couple but overall not too shabby man. Get yourself a belt and squat shoes. You do need to get much tighter in your setup and unrack.

    The angle on th deadlift video was terrible. See if you can back up a bit. Your deadlift needs work though. You are just bending over and picking it, not setting your back, and not bending knees. So, repeat the 5 step setup after every rep for your warmups. Let go after each one and do ‘5 singles). You need to practice the setup and making sure it is 1inch away from shins, that you bend knees and hips till shins touch the bar, squeeeeze ribs up through your shoulders and drag it up your legs.


    Keep working hard and eating hard!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I just ordered some shoes, but they'll take 2–4 weeks to arrive. I have some Chucks I'll use until they arrive. My gym has belts, I will read up on them.

    As for my deadlift, when I go back and watch the video, I can clearly see what seem to me like the 5 steps being followed, at least for the first lift. Knees are bent and back is set at 0:10. It's true that I don't redo them on subsequent reps. I will pay attention to doing them right next time though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I think I got the angles nailed down on this one.

    Squat 225lb: YouTube
    I have trouble getting the bar centered on my back, it's often a little to the left.

    Press 90lb: YouTube
    I can see that the bar path is not completely straight, but I'm not sure what adjustment to make.

    Deadlift 230lb: YouTube
    Is this better than before?

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