Could be close.
Just decided three weeks out to do a powerlifting meet in USAPL and I haven't been pausing bench presses since.... ever, and haven't even gone heavier than fives in a long time. So seeing what I can do.
So what do you think; does this 365# pass in the USAPL? Funny how the pause always seems longer when you're the one under the bar. I think I have a fair bit more in me if I can get that bar path at the top more consistent.
Could be close.
Really comes down to whoever is giving the press command. Seems a bit quick and at the meet you'd likely have to pause for another half second to a second longer but again it's not universal. Even looking at rulebooks from varying federations it's less strict as some only mention once the bar is motionless you can press. Just hope the one calling out does it fairly quickly haha but good luck!
The bar will need to be motionless in order to receive the "start" and "rack" commands.
Besides a motionless pause you may get called for incomplete lockout. You have to make a show of having control to get the start command, the press command, and the rack command. Depending on the judge the lockout can be more extension than you are used to doing. So practice it.