Do you see why RPE is bullshit too?
I just listened to your podcast about StrengthCon II and the mention of pain levels got me thinking as many do about how words just don't do levels justice.
Faces of pain levels.jpg
Do you think people can now relate to those levels and why anyone calmly telling you they are at pain level 8 is clueless about pain levels?
Do you see why RPE is bullshit too?
How about just posting the link?
whats also interesting is that while going through an LP I was pretty much always at an RPE 10. 275 was an RPE 10, 315, 365, 405...all RPE 10's. Even when I hit a wall and have to reset 10% those lower working sets feel like an RPE 10. If I was to gauge my progress on how I felt, I probably wouldn't of got very far. I'm not sure how someone would know how to move forward. How about if I had a shitty day at work or didn't eat very well? Do you only increase the weight when the shit feels light? I'm not an advanced lifter and I still haven't been able to reach a 500lb squat so maybe when I get there It will make sense to me.
RPE seems stupid to me because it is based on feelings. Feelings have never been known to be an accurate indicator of anything. We don't use feelings to perform science, math, or any kind of experiment that I know of. Feelings are great for promoting obesity, addiction, lazyness, and every other vice. All things that feel good in the short term but cause harm later on. Feelings are illogical, therefore RPE based training is illogical. Illogical is wrong. RPE is wrong!