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Thread: Eli's SS Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Session 8:

    SQ: 185lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Press: 100lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Power Clean: 115lb x 5 x 3 (15lb increase)

    Woops. Increase power cleans by a bit too much in a daze. Tho I must say its nicer to do them with big 35lb plates on either side. That said, I actually got through them pretty well, so will be looking to add 5lb to them next week.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Session 9:

    SQ: 190lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    BP: 135lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    DL: 205 x 5 x 1 (10lb increase)

    Some cool moments today with 1 plate on each side for bench and breaking 200lb for deadlifts. Onwards we go.
    Last edited by elievan; 12-29-2009 at 03:34 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Session 10:

    SQ: 195lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Press: 105lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Power Clean: 120lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Session 11:

    SQ: 200lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    BP: 140lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    DL: 215 x 5 x 1 (10lb increase)

    Session 12:

    SQ: 205lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Press: 110lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Power Clean: 125lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)

    Session 13:
    SQ: 210lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    BP: 145lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    DL: 225 x 5 x 1 (10lb increase)

    And we keep on rolling. Felt really miserable at Session 12, I actually thought I might throw up doing the power cleans - I thought it might be the weights just getting heavier... But then I showed up for session 13 and flew through them like nothing. I realized it was because I had been eating a lot more the two days before the last workout, and also hadn't been boozing.

    If anyone wastes their time reading my log, I was wondering if you could comment: I'm interested in starting to introduce chinups and pullups. I've been considering changing to the Practical Programming Novice Program. The problem is that I would like to continue doing Deadlifts every other workout...

    Can I just add chinups/pullups (alternating) to my A day workout and continue on? It would be very similar to PPNP just with deadlifts every other workout instead of once a week.

    Any wisdom would be appreciated.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Rip lays out a routine in PP2 where you deadlift every 5th workout. You may want to try that.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    My problemo is wanting to deadlift every other workout though (every 2nd workout).

    Is workout B too intense if I were to just make it:

    Power Clean
    Chins/Pull ups alt.

    And keep A normal with SQ, BP and DL?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Wow. My Abs are killing me today. I assume its after Shoulder Press yesterday; the last few reps took 2-3 seconds to get up into the air and I imagine I was flexing my core like crazy.

    That said, I don't think I will be able to complete next sessions set of Press if I increase 5lbs... Should I go for it anyway since I've consistently increased 5lb a session? Or should I try go up by 2.5?

    Penultimately; Wow I'm bad at pullups and chinups!

    Lastly... 2 plate squats! Woohoo.

    Session 14:

    SQ: 215lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Press: 115lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Power Clean: 130lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Pull Ups: 4,3,2

    Session 15:
    SQ: 220lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    BP: 150lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    DL: 235 x 5 x 1 (10lb increase)

    Session 16:

    SQ: 225lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Press: 120lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Power Clean: 130lb x 5 x 3 (No Change)
    Chin Ups: 6,4,3

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    San Diego, CA USA


    Nice progress. I would switch to 2.5 lb. increases on the press if you feel like you're right at the limit. I just finished week 9 of SS and I switched to 2.5 lb. increases on the press at week 5. I've been able to sustain 2.5 jumps since them, but it has been very tough. My two buddies have stalled in the press, despite the fact that they switched to 2.5 lb. increases before I did.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Session 17:
    SQ: 230lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    BP: 155lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    DL: 245 x 5 x 1 (10lb increase)

    Session 18:

    SQ: 235lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Press: 125lb x 5 x 1 (5lb increase) FAIL
    Power Clean: 135lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Pull Ups: 5,4,5

    NOOOOOOOO!!11!1one! Session 18 marks my first failed set since I began SS one and a half months ago.

    I barely finished the first set of shoulder press (the last rep took me, no joke, 6-7seconds to get fully extended). I felt something pull in my side, kind of at the bottom of my lats but more in my ribs... maybe an intercostal muscle?. I rested and tried for a second set but couldn't even get 1 rep, not due to pain, although there was a dull ache, but just had no power at all. Its the next day and it feels just fine, so hopefully it wasn't anything serious.

    I should have only gone up by 2.5lbs this week, since I wrote last time about worrying that I couldn't finish the 3 sets. I'll drop 2.5lbs to the weight I should have attempted and give it a shot next time.

    My legs just keep powering on through though, they've gotten noticeably bigger.

    Damn I love this program.
    Last edited by elievan; 01-25-2010 at 07:15 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Session 19:
    SQ: 240lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    BP: 160lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    DL: 255 x 5 x 1 (10lb increase)

    Session 20:

    SQ: 245lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Press: 125lb x 5 x 3 (0lb increase)
    Power Clean: 140lb x 5 x 3 (5lb increase)
    Chin Ups: 7,5,5

    Woohoo. Finished all 3 sets of those presses which I failed last week. They were still faking tough, but got through them. I think part of the failure was very mental last week, I did that workout in a different gym and it just all felt off. I can't wait to press a plate.

    Chin ups and pull ups are moving up pretty well, got an extra 4 in today compared to last time.

    Also, I got on the scale today for the first time in a long time. I was frustrated when I first started this program cause I was eating a lot and not getting heavier. Today I weighed in at 204lbs! Fuck yeh! Flew past 200... I feel and look a lot stronger now. Lets keep it rolling.

    Ideally I'd like to weigh 205lbs. So I'll see how my weight progresses in the next few weeks. I don't mind putting on some more weight, and then dropping the fat at the end of SS.

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