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Thread: Nauticus's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ft Worth, Texas

    Default Nauticus's Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    This is where I'm at after about 4 months of lifting. Due to terrible eating, I stalled a shitload. Lesson learned, though. Having to confess further stalling would be devastating for my ego, so this journal will keep me in line. My lifts so far, standing at 6'1 185ish pounds 20 years old (everything in lbs):

    Squat - 255 x 5

    Press - 125 x 4

    Bench - 185 x 4

    Power Clean - 165 x 4

    Deadlift - 265 x 5

    Chins - BW+15 x 7

    Tomorrow, I plan on receiving some WLing shoes in the mail. Hopefully it'll help me achieve greater squat depth.
    Last edited by Nauticus; 12-22-2009 at 02:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ft Worth, Texas


    Monday, Dec 21st workout

    Squat - 265 x 5 x 3

    Press - 120 x 5 x 3

    Power clean - 160 x 5 x 3

    Chin up - BW + 17.5 x 5 x 3

    Laying tricep extension - 60 x 8 x 2

    Got the shoes. They feel fucking great and help my form. I decreased press weights to get the full 5 reps and likewise with the cleans. For the chins, I improvised a dipping belt by looping a dress belt through some weights and tying it over my weightlifting belt. As for the tricep extensions.. there's got to be some vanity in a man's workout. I'm hoping they'll help me with benching/pressing lockout strength, which I lack.
    Last edited by Nauticus; 12-21-2009 at 09:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ft Worth, Texas


    Not a good workout.

    Squats - Did a set of 275 x 5. Looked at the recording and the depth was shit. Decided to go back to 265 to do full depth. Did 2 more sets with that weight, 4 reps each. Depth was good, but I kept falling forwards onto my toes.

    Bench - I've also been dishonest with myself here. Too much chest bouncing, so I decided to just do 185 again with a slower, controlled descent. Did 2 sets of 4, 1 set of 5. They felt better. My pecs were much more tired afterwards with no cheating.

    Deadlifts - Fuck. My last deadlift workout felt so easy at 265 x 5. I went up to 275 but could only manage 3 reps. I think I did not recover well from my last workout. I was so tired before the set and my grip was weaker. And a weak grip means the back is saying "fuck no, I'm not lifting that." I also wonder if my WLing shoes are affecting it, because getting my back into extension was harder.

    Then I finished with roman chair situps.

    My mood is too dependent on the quality of my workout. Probably a symptom of overtraining/undereating. Sometimes, I look at the fools who quarter squat to engorge their egos, the chicken-legged curlers, and wonder, what if that were me? I'd probably be happier if I were one of them, doing easy workouts and thinking I'd gained real strength from it, absolutely certain my form is the correct one and my routine the best. Next workout is Monday, gym's closed on Friday. It'll be better. Now, to finish these three tamales and start my gallon of whole milk.
    Last edited by Nauticus; 12-23-2009 at 04:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Nauticus View Post
    Not a good workout.

    Squats - Did a set of 275 x 5. Looked at the recording and the depth was shit. Decided to go back to 265 to do full depth. Did 2 more sets with that weight, 4 reps each. Depth was good, but I kept falling forwards onto my toes.

    Bench - I've also been dishonest with myself here. Too much chest bouncing, so I decided to just do 185 again with a slower, controlled descent. Did 2 sets of 4, 1 set of 5. They felt better. My pecs were much more tired afterwards with no cheating.

    Deadlifts - Fuck. My last deadlift workout felt so easy at 265 x 5. I went up to 275 but could only manage 3 reps. I think I did not recover well from my last workout. I was so tired before the set and my grip was weaker. And a weak grip means the back is saying "fuck no, I'm not lifting that." I also wonder if my WLing shoes are affecting it, because getting my back into extension was harder.

    Then I finished with roman chair situps.

    My mood is too dependent on the quality of my workout. Probably a symptom of overtraining/undereating. Sometimes, I look at the fools who quarter squat to engorge their egos, the chicken-legged curlers, and wonder, what if that were me? I'd probably be happier if I were one of them, doing easy workouts and thinking I'd gained real strength from it, absolutely certain my form is the correct one and my routine the best. Next workout is Monday, gym's closed on Friday. It'll be better. Now, to finish these three tamales and start my gallon of whole milk.

    I think this happens to everybody who trains hard. Keep up the good work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Atascocita, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Nauticus View Post
    Not a good workout.

    My mood is too dependent on the quality of my workout. Probably a symptom of overtraining/undereating. Sometimes, I look at the fools who quarter squat to engorge their egos, the chicken-legged curlers, and wonder, what if that were me? I'd probably be happier if I were one of them, doing easy workouts and thinking I'd gained real strength from it, absolutely certain my form is the correct one and my routine the best.
    While I'm not as far in as you (only 14 weeks so far), I totally agree about quality of workout affecting mood. I'm not pushing/pulling quite as much as you, but still, I had a great set of lifts on Monday and was stoked for today's session. I started with the press to try and be a bit more fresh for that lift, and missed the progression in the first set of reps. I then deloaded by 5# and then went on to miss a rep in each of the last two sets. I was pretty upset, but managed to grind out the progression for squats and power cleans. Sometimes you've got to have a bit of a pep talk with yourself and put that lift behind you before doing the rest. Sometimes we can psyche ourselves out of a good lifting day.

    And, no, I don't think any of us would be happy training like the others you were talking about. Coming from a distance running background, I've been one of those people in the past and was always disappointed at how much work I was putting in for the very slight gains in strength I made. Keep up the good work, focus, and concentrate. Have a great Christmas weekend, eat lots, get some rest, and be ready to hit it on Monday.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ft Worth, Texas


    Thanks for the encouragement, guys. Next time, I'm bringing my chucks with me to see if they're better for DLing.
    Last edited by Nauticus; 12-23-2009 at 09:25 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ft Worth, Texas


    Sunday, Dec 27

    Did the workout I missed on Christmas.

    Squats - Found the elusive hamstring bounce I've always lacked in my form. I simply narrowed my stance and it came along with easier depth and hip drive. The lift was harder, though. I first tried 270 and only got 3 reps, dropped to 265 and got 3 again, then dropped to 255 and got 5. I don't really care - if the lift is harder because I'm doing it right, then I'm happy. Video next time.

    Presses - 125 for 5, 4, and 4 reps. I also utilized a bounce out of the bottom here as well, something I've never tried before. Presses are just a bitch. Anyone who does them for 5 reps knows that when that 5th reps doesn't want to come, nothing will make it. Felt abs working harder.

    Power cleans - 165 for 5 reps, and then 3. Didn't bother with the 3rd set. These, along with presses, are my greatest enemy. My form looks shitty when the weight gets big, but I guess that's the point.

    Chins - 20 for 6, 5, and 4 reps. I'm always tempted to do BB curls instead of these due to vanity. Instead, I always tell myself, "curls won't build lats or increase your bench."

    Finished with roman chair situps.
    Last edited by Nauticus; 12-27-2009 at 08:28 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ft Worth, Texas


    Tues, Dec 29

    Squats -
    (I'm not the guy doing quarter squats in the beginning) I feel good about the stretch reflex. Reviewing the video, I'm actually divebombing to the bottom. Moved up to 265 (again, and for the last time, I hope) and got 5, 4, and 4 reps.

    Bench - 190 for 5, 4, and 3. I've been missing reps, but I think deloading to get the full 5 will slow my progress.

    Deadlift - 280 for 5. Slipped on my converses for this set. Poor lockout on the last rep due to a failing double-overhand grip.

    Finished with laying tricep extensions.
    Last edited by Nauticus; 12-29-2009 at 11:40 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ft Worth, Texas


    December 31, 2009

    Wtf, body?

    Squats - 270 for... 1 rep.. for 1 SET. That's right. During the warm-up set, my left arm started hurting as it has been doing for recent squat workouts. Feels like the brachialis tendon. I tried to set the bar position a little higher to troubleshoot, but it caused the bar to slip upward towards my neck during the rep. The warm-up sets felt pretty hard, too. I didn't bother doing any more, because I felt really out of it. Whenever I force myself to do a shitty workout, I feel even shittier than I would if I took it easy.
    I noticed looking in the mirror that my left arm was not symmetrical with my right as I stepped out and I suspect this is my problem. Anyone else had the same deal?

    Presses - 130 for 1 rep. When my arm hurts from squatting, a shitty bench/press workout will always ensue. Really did not feel in the mood I should for a PR work set, though..

    Power cleans - Didn't bother. Racking position was very painful

    Got on the C2 rower and did some intense rowing for about 10 minutes and left. Whatever.
    Last edited by Nauticus; 12-31-2009 at 06:08 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Nauticus View Post
    December 31, 2009

    Wtf, body?

    Squats - 270 for... 1 rep.. for 1 SET. That's right. During the warm-up set, my left arm started hurting as it has been doing for recent squat workouts. Feels like the brachialis tendon. I tried to set the bar position a little higher to troubleshoot, but it caused the bar to slip upward towards my neck during the rep. The warm-up sets felt pretty hard, too. I didn't bother doing any more, because I felt really out of it. Whenever I force myself to do a shitty workout, I feel even shittier than I would if I took it easy.
    I noticed looking in the mirror that my left arm was not symmetrical with my right as I stepped out and I suspect this is my problem. Anyone else had the same deal?
    I had exactly same problem. Probably it happened because of incorrect grip when doing low bar squats. But it is hard to take correct grip if you are already injured and if shoulder flexibility is also bad. My solution was switching to high bar squats, high bar does not demand as good shoulder flexibility as low bar squats. I thought that i switch to high bar only temporarily, now my shoulders are already fine and flexibility is also much better (i do regularly shoulder dislocations), but i still hesitate to move back to low bar. It is good thing if you can do heavy presses and cleans after heavy squatting.

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