My Squat form from last year:
My form 2010 using SS advice but with wider stance to allow me to get depth without back rounding.
Very recent change to much narrower stance upon recommendation of Rip. The first few sessions felt like my hips sockets were being broken open by twisting. this has resolved but I am still finding it very hard to "drive hips up" with this method.
Current stats:
Height: 5'8"
BW: Between 76kg & 80kg dependent on scales used.
Bicept Size: Only Joking!
Squat PR with old wide stance: 97.5kg 3x5
Current Squat work weight: only 90kg
Squat 1RM: 105kg
Deadlift: 120kg 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 No Round backing.
(my main efforts over months of deadlifting has been achieving the ability to set back into extension at the start. Only just achieved this finally) I also always find it difficult to do deadlifts without pausing between reps as my need to hold such a strong valsava it makes me dizzy.
Best OHP: 37.5kg 3, 2, 2
Currently deloaded and widened grip: 35kg 3x5
Bench: PR'ed yesterday 60kg 3x5
I know my lifts are pretty low overall. But I have been doing the lifts for over a year consistently and havent made significant progress in a long time. I followed basic SS dillingently for all of 2010 and feel it is now definitely time to change things a bit. I do not want to make the same mistake as last year: Sticking to something for so long just because my lifts hadnt hit an arbitrary target.