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Thread: skills101 SS Training Log

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Southern California

    Default 6/25 Log

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    BW = 179.6#

    Squat: 265x5 Belted, 225x5,5
    Deadlift: 345x4.5 Belted
    Bench Press: 175x4,4,2

    Things didn't go well on Friday. I contracted some version of a stomach flu. I woke up this morning (now Saturday), and weigh 176# =/.

    This is a fairly depressing point in my lifting career.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Denver CO


    INstead of reducing the number of sets of power clean, try doing doubles every 2 minutes or every minute. You really want the explosion and when it gets heavy, 3 gets to be alot.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Southern California

    Default 6/30 Training Log

    Thanks Jamie, I'll definitely try out doing doubles instead if I don't get to the 5 sets.

    6/30 Training Log

    BW = 180.2#

    Squat: 265x5,5,2 Belted
    Deadlift: 350x5 Belted
    Bench Press: 175x4,4,3

    Squat was hard. I've been stuck on 265 since 6/3/10 (with one back-off to 240). I'm definitely moving to Advanced Novice, and TM might be looming. Then again, I weighed 176.8# on 6/3/10, only ~3 pounds away from what I am now. Maybe I just need to gain more weight...

    Deadlift was easy. Beastly, in fact.

    Bench was hard, although I have an inkling my form might be wrong. I'm going to re-read the bench section of SS. Or maybe I'm just a weak pussy.

    You know, I find this forum a great place to vent my frustration. It's therapeutic.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Southern California

    Default 6/3 Training Log

    BW = 183.0#

    Today's Work Sets:

    Squat: 265x5,5,5 Belted
    Press: 132.5x3,3,3
    Power Clean: 172.5x3,3,3,3,3

    Squat was hard, and the last rep of 3rd set was almost a complete good morning. But at least I did it =/.

    Press was hard, obviously.

    Power Clean was easy. 175 next time.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Southern California

    Default 7/3/10 and 7/5/10 Training Logs


    Squat: 270x4,3,2 Belted
    Deadlift: 355x5 Belted

    Squats were hard, DL was solid. I was very tired (went late at night), so I didn't do bench.

    7/5/10: BW = 182.0#

    Bench Press: 175x5,5,4

    I just wanted to do bench to make up for missing it on 7/3. These were pretty solid - I'll microload to 177.5# next time.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Southern California

    Default 7/12 Training Log

    7/12 Training Log

    BW = 182.0#

    Today's Work Sets:

    Squat: 280x5,5,5 Belted
    Press: 132.5x4 (+1 push press),3,5
    Power Clean: 180x3,3,3,3,3

    Today went okay. Squats were very hard, and my back angle was hopeless during the last 3 reps of the last set. Either I'll microload or maintain on Wednesday. Press was hard, but the missed reps were mostly due to bad technique (further evidenced by the 5 completed reps on the last set). Power cleans were fine.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Southern California

    Default 7/14 Training Log


    BW = 185.4#

    Today's Work Sets:

    Bench Press: 180x5,5,5
    Squat: 282.5x5,4,5 Belted
    Deadlift: 370x2
    Chins: BWx4,3,3

    Bench was easy. Squats were hard, but I think I'm still going to up it to 285, with an emphasis on keeping my chest up. Deadlift was impossible, going back to 365 to complete that weight solidly. I suck at chins.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Hey man, been following your log. We have a similar bodyweight (you are 10 pounds heavier now) and same height. I've been in the same problems as you the last two weeks, doing a PR in a lift and failing to do the 3 sets of 5 in the others. Very frustrating. My main problem is my weight has been constant this last week, and this didn't help. I'll try again 275 on the squat tomorrow, and see how it goes. So how did it feel going from 270 to 280? I'll record my squat sets this time, because my form goes shitty at that weight, so I must be careful. I started advanced novice last week, but I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm taking 2 weeks of vacation and than I'll deload and see how it goes. Anyway hope you keep your current pace man!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Southern California


    Hey Leonidas. Are you wearing a belt yet? For me, this worked wonders, especially when I started wearing it correctly, high and tight. It got me, I think, from struggling 265 to 280, with more to go. Eating more, I suspect, also helped.

    The hardest part of squatting to me is not letting my hip drive get the better of my back angle. I find that if I actively think about keeping my chest up IMMEDIATELY after the bounce, it reduces the amount my shoulders drop.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by skills101 View Post
    Hey Leonidas. Are you wearing a belt yet? For me, this worked wonders, especially when I started wearing it correctly, high and tight. It got me, I think, from struggling 265 to 280, with more to go. Eating more, I suspect, also helped.

    The hardest part of squatting to me is not letting my hip drive get the better of my back angle. I find that if I actively think about keeping my chest up IMMEDIATELY after the bounce, it reduces the amount my shoulders drop.
    Yeah, I'm using a belt. I will try 275 today and see how it goes. I need to eat more, and try to add 10 pounds in this period, I think that will help.

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