Yesterday's workout:
Squat: 275x3x5
Press: 150x3x5
Power Clean: 160x5x3
Felt pretty good.
Yesterdays weights felt great. I guess maybe a little more sleep helped. I usually sleep 8-9 hours but I was exhausted after work the day before so I went to bed early and slept 10 hours. Maybe its that and upping my meals and protein cosumption since I talked to John. Either way things felt real good and strong.
Squat: 285x3x5
Bench: 230x3x5
Deadlift: 285x1x5
I'm curious how your deadlift feels given that you use the same weight as the squat, as I'm getting closer and closer to that myself. My deadlift was way higher than my squat (275 vs 160!) but I then increased it slowly while adding 15 pounds weekly to my squat, so now the numbers are 255 vs 300, and I feel my squat might reach my deadlift in a few weeks unless I start adding 10 or 15 pounds at a time to it, which is scary at this point.
Did you have some strength left in your deadlift, grip aside?
By the way, check out the article on this site by Bill Starr on the press, you will find it very encouraging for your pressing goals!
Haha Yeah that article by Starr really got me wanting to get a huge press. It's going to take a while but that was damn sure some encouragement. I'd love to have a BW +75lb press. Anyway, I haven't had any problems with my deadlift after squatting the same weight or even around the same weight. It actually feels better because I'm already warmed up and take far fewer warm up sets. I'm not that strong on deadlift and I'm thinking I may have some form issues or I may just be a pussy. I've had some back problems and don't want to tweak anything this early in the program so I'm kinda just taking it easy and not really adding as much on the deads as I should or could be but I figure that I'll stall and have to reset at some point anyway, why add 15 lbs a week when I can just do 10 lbs and get to where I want to be. We will see though. Do you have a log that you are keeping up with? I'd like to follow along. Sounds like you are working hard. Keep it up man. I wouldn't worry too much about my squat catching my deadlift, hell, you are still getting stronger in both lifts and thats all that matters right.
I got some time to post some pics of things before John Sheaffer aka Johnny Pain. Here they are. Sorry for subjecting ya'll to it but I figured it would be a good way to judge how strictly I'm doing what John said and what the new diet is doing for body comp.
Sure, here's my log. The title is a joke:
What does John's diet look like? High protein/fat low carbs? If so, what kind of fats does he say are OK?
I wouldn't really call it low carb, but he has just had me implement some carb cutoff's or curfews. Protein is pretty high and fat is moderate. As far as healthy fats go: egg yolks, olive oil, nuts, avocados, fatty meats, fish oil, coconut oil. There are some more but I have a hard enough time getting most of this stuff in. I usually just add some olive oil to whatever I'm about to eat. I took the day off from the gym today so that's three rest days, not too bad actually. I have the SS seminar this coming up weekend so I'm kind of excited. I think my squat form could really use some guidance. I'm starting to feel the squat more in my lower back rather than my ass and hamstrings.