starting strength gym
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Thread: A Fresh Start

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Perhaps I'll be buying a gatorade on the way to the gym next time... I probably have a tendancy to eat less salt than needed. Definately WAY less than average Joe. I eat no packaged food and the only salt I PUT on food is garlic salt to taste. I don't even own a salt shaker.

    However, I do get the same symptoms after a 2500mg salt double bacon deluxe. We'll see what the sugar/salt/water (gatorade) does for me.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario



    So I blew my original goal of never having a 3-day break from lifting. I went last thursday and now today; 3-day break. I blame being called in to work the weekend...

    Squat 205 - no problem. I am seeing SOME SLIGHT tendany to lean a little forward on occasional reps. But... When racing, I realized that I was starting to be a fast driver when I would have a slow turn and know exactly what the problem was. I am seeing this now in my lifting. Chest up and I'm back to solid reps.

    Bench 105 - No real problems... my left shoulder gets sore and I am really grinding out this horribly pussy weight. No sharp stabbing pain, but definitely a brutal "ache". Dr told me to avoid the sharp pains, but suffering is just part of getting strong.

    Deadlift 255. This was heavy, but no problem. I noticed the bar lose contact with my legs as it was around my knee on a couple reps. I think I'm allowing the hips to go up without tension at that part and transfer the weight to my back. No biggie, but I'll work on it.

    I think the deadlift trouble was due to being gassed at the end of my workout again. I took a gatorade to the gym with me and nearly finished it (180cal, 300mg sodium, 42g sugar). I had most of it near the start of the workout. Seemed to be little to no help, but made me feel kinda crappy because I don't consume candy bullshit food like that ever. I won't do it again. I had a small portion of quinoa, a pint of milk and a delicious dutch apple fritter (From a Dutch bakery that has won some international fritter award) before the gym.

    My sleep has been absolute shit lately. Getting up at 6 on saturday and sunday to work doesn't help. Stupid cats running amock from 2am onwards doesn't help either. I will kill the bastards if i don't sleep tonight.

  3. #13
    indian_lifter Guest


    Squats are progressing nicely. Good Job. Bro.

    Is it possible to get a video of your bench?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Not really, at least not now. I don't have a suitable recording device and my buddy that does usually goes to his gym in his town, but sometimes visits. My struggles are definitely caused by my injured deltoid.

    I'm not yet impressed with my squats. I had previously progressed up to 225 before failing miserably with poor form. I AM happy with my form and the ease with which I'm handlnig these weights.

    Off to the gym now!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Today (back to 1 day off, woot).

    Squat 210 - Good workout. No trouble. I'm not really even getting slowed down by this weight yet. I could feel the last couple reps getting my knees to wobble, but they are staying out-ish. Will work on this.

    Press 100 - Good workout here, too. On a rep or two near the very end I felt my lower back relax. Will focus on trunk stability more. It is amazing how committing to letting the bar go over your head (instead of out front) lets the weight go up easier.

    PC 145 - This went surprisingly well. On all my warmups I did hang cleans with minimal lowering of the bar just so I could focus on ankles and shrug. I think this was a good idea. Really slammed the bar into my chest on a couple reps - I'm a bit slow getting my elbows up (just a bit) and I notice that my left elbow never goes up as high or fast as my right. When I really focused on getting the left up faster it felt tight/sore in my left elbow. Also, I notice I'm still GRIPPING the bar when I rack it, but I seem to be okay on flexibility... but it may be the cause of the slow elbows.

    This time before the gym I ate potatos and carrots that were stewed in the crock pot when I cooked a roast beef (plus a little beef, too) with a pint of milk. This is more food than I usually eat and I think it helped me really power through those PC sets. I was resting between sets to let the muscles recover, rather than trying to figure out which way is up while I struggle to stay awake.

    My sleep has still been absolute shit lately.

  6. #16
    indian_lifter Guest


    Are you a student?

    Sleep is easy now that i dont have class until August.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    No. I'm a computer engineer and it is deadline crunch time. It is also hot and rainy season and I have no AC and I'm not used to being not-scrawny. And I decided to develope allergies this year that leads to me waking up sneezing 8-12 times per night. I dont' spend more than 2 hours asleep in any given stretch. I hate life.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I saw your other thread on your rib injury. Could you post some details on how it has healed up and if you feel it at all anymore? I'm having the same issue now.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    The rib injury turned out to be a torn intercostal. It sometimes caused me incredible pain while exhaling (doc said it usually has this effect on inhaling). It completely ruined my ability to pull off the floor (even deadlifting 100lbs caused bad pain) and it was at that level of injury for about 3 weeks. Over the next 3 weeks it became slightly more bearable. I stopped toying with it for about another 3 weeks and since then I have been 100% fine. My deadlifts are nearing the weight at which I injured myself and I see no problems whatsoever, not even minor discomfort.

    So I'd say, based on my experience, leave it alone completely for a few weeks. It sucks, but so does failing a 100lb deadlift.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    starting strength coach development program
    Best sleep in WEEKS last night. Slept from 11pm to 4:30 (piss break) and then to 6:00 when wifey woke me up to say goodbye, then 6:30 for my alarm. I was out COLD in between each of these breaks.

    Most people would still call that a shitty sleep. For me, I was feeling like Rip VanWinkel.

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