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Thread: A Fresh Start

  1. #501
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Well my knee feels fucked today. If i rest it with any side-load (like feet up but my foot turned) it begins to ache. Also any knee extension without strong hamstring involvement is painful.

    I think I need to video some heavy squats. I added some form cues recently and this pain has followed those queues... I have been working on gettting my knees to go forward more as my shins seem to be near vertical normally. Doing so has no helped by lifts go up and has resulted in a fucked knee.

    On a positive note, I'm pretty damn happy about 162.5 bench.

  2. #502
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    The plan for tonight is to heating-pad my knee before I go to the gym, do a little extra warmup including some lunges, then light squats (2x5@230), press 3x5@127.5 for my second attempt then deadlift 375x3 (of course I"ll do 4 if I can, but I only managed 3 last week at 365). If I can't get this my confidence will be shaken for the 405lb year-end deadlift. My knee must cooperate.

  3. #503
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario



    Squats... see below
    Press 3x5@127.5 - tied for PR. Forgot belt on first set. Form was... "good".
    Deads 4@375 - Fuck a triple. I ate three reps for breakfast and wanted dessert. Great form on the first three, SLIGHT loosing of my lower back on the last one. The secret was pulling up on the bar harder. Amazing how that works.
    Static hold 1s@375, 2x5s@330 (I don't know if I've ever mentioned, but these are always DOH)

    Squats... my knee is officially fucked. I couldn't get past empty bar today. When I got home I iced it for 2x20min then when I looked at it I saw yellowish bruising (I rarely bruise at all, even after taking a hit) surrounding the upper area of my knee cap like a 1.5" thick upside down 'U', slightly more to the outside than the inside. This is pretty uncool... it did not affect my deads somehow, it only causes pain when I reach parallel. I can sit on my ankles in a relaxed ATG squat, but any effort to stand up or hold proper squat form causes sharp pain.

  4. #504
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Sorry to hear about the knee.
    You know what to do.

  5. #505
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Sorry to read about your knee. Hopefully you figure out how to fix it and it fixes up soon. In the mean time you can do lots of deads, eh? Back on The Bear?

  6. #506
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Feel you on the knee, I'm icing mine right now. Deads are curiously unaffected.

    Ice it, wrap it, and pull 405!

  7. #507
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Sucks about the knees. I narrowly avoided something similar last week - my boxers ripped at the bottom and the surprise made me loosen everything, and I bottomed out on my ankles. Not sure exactly what part of that process caused it, but my knees were screaming. Couldn't finish squats, but the deads that day were fine, too. Thankfully felt fine 2 days later.

    Good luck getting better. Don't push it. 3x200mg ibuprofen 3 times a day.

  8. #508
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Haha, I get few replies on my log in a couple weeks, post about my knee and its raining sympathy in here in 10 minutes! :-) Thanks for the brosupport, bros.

    The plan is yet unclear, but I can certainly tell you it will involve no heavy squats for a while. I'm thinking plenty of ice, ibu, heat before workouts, stretching, massaging... not sure what to do about it in the gym. I'm still going to deadlift 1/wk, but perhaps I'll spend more time on back ext, pullups, maybe even some "practice" GMs (never done them). PC's that I did for dead warmup didn't feel great, so I'll probably leave those out or at least use them sparingly.

    Fuck the Bear. My life isn't suited to that program. I'd recommend it to people who can handle it, but that's just not me.

    Observing the ease with which I matched a PR press and murdered big-PR deads, I'm considering some sort of programming that separates squats and deads.

  9. #509
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post
    On a positive note, I'm pretty damn happy about 162.5 bench.
    Oddly enough that is precisely my current PR from Monday, but I don't have shoulder issues. You're successfully rehabbing your shoulders and they're working better all the time, so you probably have a lot more strength still in you that will develop when the shoulder can handle it. Me, I'm just weak. :-(

    The knee thing sucks, but at least you still have one whole-body exercise, and that will hopefully drive some progress on the press while the knee gets better. When I started my second cycle I felt some pain just above the right kneecap while geting acquainted with squats again, sounds suspiciously like the same general area. I finished the workout and got away with it, but now I'm thinking I was an idiot not to stop immediately.
    Last edited by Mulgere Hircum; 12-16-2010 at 12:26 AM.

  10. #510
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    CONGRATULATIONS on your bench press PR, Matt. I hope this eases a little bit of the worry regarding the bench progress.

    About the knee. I've been on here sporadically and missed a lot of the discussion, especially about your knee. Fuck me running man, this is one of the things that I pray about for me, and on behalf of my friends, you included. I'm sorry to hear it's giving you problems, that sucks! BUT it sounds to me like you're doing the right thing with it, and that's good. Rehab it and get back to squatting when you can!

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