starting strength gym
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Thread: A Fresh Start

  1. #521
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Man, i thought the questions around here were stupid... read as many pages of this as you can. I read 2.5 then my eyes bled:!

  2. #522
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Minnesota Raised, Live in California now.


    I couldn't get past page 1.

    I tried, I really did.

  3. #523
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    BTW, thanks to the half-dozen or so people that have posted in the past day. I didn't know so many read my log.

  4. #524
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Do some weighted dips

  5. #525
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Check out NKT's log--he's all press & deadlift, all the time, and has scary good numbers.


    Like 3 people read my log, but that's probably because I'm surly.

    Now, quit whining and lift something heavy!

  6. #526
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Brisbane, Australia


    Hi Mazda, just curious about the cause of your knee problems, I searched your thread a bit but couldn't find it. I ask cause I notice I'm starting to get a bit of a funny feeling in my right knee.

  7. #527
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    I will check out NKT's log.

    The source of the problem is unknown - UNLESS it was caused by the source of the knee pains that occured before this log started. In January I started getting pain in this knee, it got bad. I was 3x5ing around 170-185 when it started. Friends of mine came to the gym with me and noted that my left foot was facing less outward than my right, so when i jammed my knees out my left was not inline with the foot; it was further out. I suppose this caused some sheering force. Anyway, that went away in a few weeks and I continued happily up to 3x5@290 and 3@320.

    I'm SURE I'm not doing that with my left foot still, but a little while ago I started to think that I was not letting my knees go forward enough at the start of the movement and lacking hip drive. Trying to get my knees forward seems to have triggered this pain.

    Wed night I took a lot of IBU, thursday I took a bit of ibu in the first half of the day and I was generally functional and pain free unless I "tested" my knee. I didn't take any before bed last night and today I had a hard time working my clutch driving into work. Shitty. So I'm back on the IBU and I think I'll grab the ice pack from work to try to get the swelling down.

  8. #528
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post
    Okay, so what I gather is this: (set x rep@weight)

    M:3x3@65%, bunch of "finishers" including squats 2x5
    W:2x3@75%, bunch of finishers including deads 2x3
    F: 2x2@85%, bunch of "finishers" including leg press 2x6
    Week two is week 1 with +10lbs on each day's lifting.

    December 31 is a friday, so my last training session would not be 2x2, but rather 1@200lbs.

    I think the program is pretty ugly with all the "finishers" (which look like what the gloved 140lb kids do at the gym all the time), but I may be convinced to try it and see what I can do in two weeks.

    My biggest problem would be that I have no idea what weight to use for "skullcrushers 2x10" or "lat pulldown curl grip 2x10"...
    Wait a damn second. I was considering doing this and I thought "Okay, I'll work the maths backwards to find out what weight I would have to work with on week one to get to a 1rm of 200 on week 2".

    Step one, figure out what friday 2x2 weight I would need for a 1rm of 200lbs: 200x0.85 (85% of 200)

    So what if I already think I can do 170 for 2x2? The program calls for adding 10lbs per week on friday, so that would mean the first week would be 160 for 2x2... well I just did 162.5 for 3x5! wtf? Mayhappenstances that I CAN bench 200 already?

    Someone unconfuse my feeble mind. Now I'm thinking that my next workout will include working up to a 1rm bench just to find out what I can do... bad idea?

  9. #529
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I wish I could help you buddy but every time I got a new squat PR on linear progression I killed braincells LOL I'm just a big dumb meat head now and I'm s confused as you by that right there!

  10. #530
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    ... but if you DO decide to do a 1Rm PR attemp (an endeavor I support 100%) GOOD LUCK buddy! Gimme a big number!

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