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Thread: Summer of Starting Strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Summer of Starting Strength

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    After reading _Starting Strength_, I've decided to run it for the summer.

    44 years old, weighed 272 when I turned 40, currently at 227 (from a low of 214). Spent 2009 away from the iron, doing yoga and cardio only while dealing with my wife having three strokes and getting the hole in her heart patched. Starting back to try and finish what I began (I need to get rid of another 30 pounds of fat, and spend 8-10 hours/day in front of a computer screen).

    I'm the archtypical ex-HS football player who kept right on bulking after HS. Turned 40, decided I hated being a fat, inflexible bastard, so started lifting using a pretty typical bodybuilder split along with yoga. I've got a small labral tear in my left shoulder (aggressive PT saved me from surgery), and knees that occasionally go on strike.

    My gym is my garage, which is nice, though it means I don't have a spotter for bench most of the time (Mrs. Brain is a teacher, and should be available this summer). I've been doing nothing but dumbbell bench work, but I want to run the program as written, so BB it is.

    Starting Measurements
    Weight: 227 (scale says 30.5% bodyfat)
    Neck: 18"
    Bicep: 13.75"
    Forearm: 12"
    Chest: 47.5"
    Waist: 44"
    Hips: 41.75"
    Thigh: 25"
    Calf: 16.75"

    Currently eating 2000 calories a day, adjusted for exercise, 20/40/40. I still seem to be in re-comp mode, as I've gained 3 pounds in the 3 weeks I've been logging every bite I take
    Animal Pak (multi), Flex (joint supp), Omega (EFA) and Pump (creatine).

    Monday - SS Workout #1
    ATG Squats: 45# 2x5; 60# 1x5; 90# 1x3; 120# 1x2; 150# 3x5
    Bench: 45# 2x5; 65# 1x5; 90# 1x3; 120# 1x2; 135# 3x5
    Deadlift: 70# 2x5; 110# 1x3; 155# 1x2; 185# 1x5

    Monday Nutrition
    2,299 cals (56g fat, 259g carbs, 192g prot)
    Last edited by Braindrop; 05-25-2010 at 08:35 AM. Reason: added nutrition

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I would change your diet I were you. Firstly you're calorie level may need adjusting however first quality is more important than quality, meaning if you sort you're macronutrient proportions out ou may be able to eat more whilst still loosing fat and increasing perforamance.

    Raise you're protein to at least 250 grams about just over body weight, possibly even more. On non workout days I would limit you're carbs to about 60g, this means no bread, oats, rice ect even things which are considered "clean carbs". So for carbs on this day green fiborous veg, e.g asparagus, lettuce, brocolli, a few carrots, even some a small handful of berries. However check the carb content on the internet, as some veg like corn, peas and beans should not be consumed. Also don't eat fruit other than berries but only in portions once or twice a day.
    For fats i would start off at about 90g a day, you could do this eating foods like eggs and bacon and adding up the fat content or eating foods like tuna with oil or almonds.

    So on non workout days: 250 protein=1000 cal, 60 carbs = 240 cal, fat 90=810 cal, total = 2050

    On workout days keep in the same but you can have an apple or pear at breakfast with your usual meal and before and after your workout eat 50g of
    oats or brown rice. This including the fruit at breakfast adds around 100 carbs which equals around 400 calories. Try this for two weeks (as you will probably loose seven pounds the first week due to the carbs being lowered= less water retention) if you feel you are loosing too quickly/ no gaining of strength (though check other rest variables like min 8 hours sleep) raise the fat by 20 g until a sweet point is found. Vice versa no more visiible fat loss lower fat, keep other macronutrients the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Thanks for the diet notes. I've been trying for 1g protein per pound of LBM, I'll give a shot at raising it.

    Tuesday Nutrition
    2,073 cals (62/248/148) Yes, too many carbs, not enough protein.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Stop buying creatine, you get it in red meat naturallly only when you're squatting 400 plus may it be useful but otherwise you have no business using it. Save some moeny and get some whey protein instead if you struggle with protein. Stop buying animal pak there's nothing proving that its better than if you were to eat more veg and a cheap costco generic, same with cod livers.

    Eat like this for example

    Breakfast 6 scrambled eggs + 2 slices of bacon + some boiled mushrooms
    this is about 550 cals 50 fat 45 protein 5 carbs

    Lunch 2 cans tuna with some mayo on a bed of lettuce with some chopped red onions and a tomato. About 70 grams of protein about 500 cals (depending on amount of mayo)

    Snack: Almonds and one scoop protein shake with water aprox 35 protein 250 cals (how many almonds depends)

    Dinner : Meat e.g + broccoli, cauliflower and carrots boiled, depending onmeat ie. chicken breasts add some fat approx 500 cal 50-65 protein.

    Snack 50g cheese e.g brie on some low carb crackers with some blueberries about 250 cals 12 protein

    Total= 2050 about 230 protein 50 carbs

    On workout days just have some oats before and after you're workout and have an apple or pear with you're normal breakfast meal. The above is just an example, the best way to to plan you're diet is set a calorie level, set a protein level (250) and aim to eat no carbs. Baisically think atkins but with plenty of veg and some fruit not grapes or tropical and you're there.

    The reason i am suggesting lower carbs is because for recovery fats and proteins are what are needed, carbs are for fuelling your workout. Eating plenty of veg and a few fruits will keep you out of ketosis but will mean you insulin levels are low when you sitting around doing nothing avoiding fat storage.

    Hope I could help

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Well, my left knee has been a mess for the last couple of days -- it feels like I hyperextended it, if I lock it and there's any shearing force at all, it hurts like hell.

    I got a pair of TK knee braces and used them today, and -- as long as I squat with perfect form, there is no real pain. If I get too far forward, it hurts like hell, so yay for good form. If I go too deep -- as in all the way as far as I possibly can -- it hurts like hell trying to get back up past parallel (even if just doing it with bodyweight). If I do a controlled, deep squat, no pain.

    I'm seeing my ortho doc Friday morning to discuss it, and am not going to run on it at all until then.

    This is the first time I've ever done power cleans. I can already tell that they found some muscles in my back/shoulders that heretofore had been non-worked...

    Wednesday - SS Workout #2
    ATG Squats: bodyweight 2x5; 15# kettlebell 2x5; 45# 2x5; 60# 1x5; 90# 1x3; 120# 1x2; 155# 3x5
    Press: 45# 3x5; 60# 1x3; 75# 1x2; 90# 3x5
    Power Clean: 45# 2x5; 55# 1x5; 70# 1x3; 85# 1x2; 100# 1x5 4x3

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Going grocery shopping for my cardio today, limping a bit, but otherwise feel good.

    Wednesday Nutrition
    2105 cals (87f/112c/211p)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I don't wanna start an argument on supplements, but I just wanna say that even for a beginner, creatine can be helpful so I think it's a good choice. It is useful in finishing that 5th rep that you could not otherwise, whether your max is 155 or 400, and it helps you recuperate between sets faster (that part I'm not 100% sure). Given that 30$ of creatine is enough for a year, I don't see any downside at keeping it up. Although I think whey/casein are really good or even better if you had to choose one or the other.

    How tall are you?

    And by the way, when you say ATG squats, do you mean slightly below parallel (as prescribed by the book)? Because I think ATG actually means ass-1-inch-from-the-floor, which I have seen in some high bar olympic squats.

    You got nice starting lifts by the way, they are all about 20% over my old ones. Keep up the good work!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Thanks for dropping in!

    Yeah, I'm not going to get into a supp debate. My workouts are better with creatine than without (yes, I tried just using the caffeine portion of Pump to make sure that wasn't all it was). Maybe it's just placebo effect, whatever.

    As far as ATG, while it isn't 1" off the ground, it's definitely deep in the hole. There's probably another 2" of movement left at the bottom that I don't use (see above reference to when the knee hurts).

    About to head to the ortho to get this knee looked it, I'll (hopefully) work out when I get home.

    Thursday Nutrition
    2073 cals (50f/137c/265p)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010


    X-rays show no structural damage. It actually felt great today, of course. After twisting on it awhile and making me scream (not really, but I thought about it), he wants to get an MRI to check out the meniscus. MRI on Tuesday, followup ortho meeting a week from today.

    He said I can keep lifting, but not to jog on it until we look inside.

    Friday - SS Workout #3
    Squats: bodyweight 2x5; 45# 2x5; 60# 1x5; 95# 1x3; 125# 1x2; 160# 3x5
    Bench Press: 45# 2x5; 70# 1x5; 95# 1x3; 125# 1x2; 140# 3x5
    Deadlift: 75# 2x5; 115# 1x3; 165# 1x2; 195# 1x5

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Back home after Memorial day vacation. Beer, boats & bbq.

    My MRI is in a couple of hours. I went ahead and lifted this morning, might as well get the knee warmed up. There were a couple of twinges during squats, all form-related. It's a little sore afterwards if I sit still for an hour and then move, but not too bad.

    For the third set of power cleans, my body suddenly figured out how to do them. My form isn't perfect yet, but it's at least no longer spastic...

    Tuesday Starting Strength #4
    Squat: 45# 2x5; 65# 1x5; 95# 1x3; 130# 1x2; 165# 3x5
    OH Press: 45# 2x5; 50# 1x5; 65# 1x3; 80# 1x2; 95# 3x5
    Power Clean: 45# 2x5; 55# 1x5; 70# 1x3; 85# 1x2; 105# 3x5

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