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Thread: My journey to 250 lbs.

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Drank too much and ate too little this weekend. Didn't set myself up for success this week and im kind of pissed about it. Ill try for a solid sleep tonight and some good nutrition in the morning. PR's to follow, or extreme anger+cheeseburgers. Actually cheeseburgers no matter what.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by 250orBust View Post
    Drank too much and ate too little this weekend. Didn't set myself up for success this week and im kind of pissed about it. Ill try for a solid sleep tonight and some good nutrition in the morning. PR's to follow, or extreme anger+cheeseburgers. Actually cheeseburgers no matter what.
    I think I might have loaded the dice against myself in a similar fashion this past week... it happens. Just get back up, eat those cheeseburgers, get some solid sleep and H2O consumption and you'll be okay, you'll bring it back in no-time at all. That's precisely what I plan to do, myself. You'll be ah'ight ;-)

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    25 oct 2010

    As shit as I felt this morning I managed to put a good amount of food down and it did the trick. Weight is still low at around 228-229ish but Ill sort that out with some cheeseburgers in an hour.

    360x5-5-5 (PR)
    SOO close to getting pinned on sets two and three but I managed to anger my way through. Im really looking forward to my wednesday recovery squats.

    270x5-5-5 (PR)
    Glad I broke through that minor stall. My right buttcheek came off on the fifth rep on both sets two and three and I realize thats technically a missed rep but im going to go ahead and count it...

    Cruising and still no end in sight. PR tie in a 9 days.

    Double overhand all the way through with good range of motion, traps were up in my ears. Im really not interested in wearing straps for anything but Im not liking the mixed grip I need to go over 400.

    Oh and I hurt my neck on bench today, no more shoulder checks on the highway for a while.

  4. #104
    Join Date
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    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Your #s make me look pitiful and weak in comparison. I'll be following this log as well.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by william_morris217 View Post
    Your #s make me look pitiful and weak in comparison. I'll be following this log as well.
    Hah, your such a bullshitter! You weigh 80 lbs less than me and our PR's are about the same. Stop making me look pitiful and weak.

  6. #106
    Join Date
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    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Deadlift is about 100lbs more than mine.....I doubt I could even budge 355 for shrugs....270 on bench for anything more than 3 reps would probably end up on my throat....

    Bodyweight doesn't really amount to the end of the day, all that matters is that you can lift weight that I can't and that equals more motivation than me. I'm not in this to get strong for my bodyweight, I'm in this to get fucking strong enough to where it doesn't matter what my bodyweight is.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    27 oct 2010

    Elbow tendinitis is back with a vengeance. Not from lifting or sports like I would expect, but from backing up a truck rapidly switching directions on the steering wheel. I almost had to park and give up my elbows were flaring so much. How fucking stupid is that, I can throw hundreds of pounds around in the gym and then hurt myself steering a pickup truck. I dont think its too serious and it didnt affect my lifting much today but I am just pissed because I thought I was out of the woods.

    Squats(light day)
    These felt really really easy, as they should I guess.

    Stuck, and stuck. Thats two strikes at 175. If I was anywhere close to completing these reps Id give it another go, but I wasnt. Deload to 160. I imagine Ill be deloading my bench as well after friday and if thats the case it will be my last reset on SS novice programming.

    Weighted Chins
    good going, hammered out a bunch of BW chins after dropping the 65lb on the last set.

    Back extentions
    Holding the plate above my head to increase the difficulty.

    BW Dips

    Weight 230
    I really want to up my weight as I feel its necessary for pressing progression. Damn food, Ill upload a picture of my commitment to eating later tonight.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I have been thinking a lot about this, and upon considering the fact that I got stuck on the press at the exact same load (170/175), while weighing a full 65 pounds more than you, I'd have to say that there might be a possibility that gaining more might not be necessary, in this context. But I'm still foggy on all this weight gain stuff. For me, I reached a point where I was putting on lots of muscle and tons of fat. So obviously I'm operating pretty efficiently, and could cut back the caloric intake. But the fucking press got stuck... And that pissed me off. What it makes me wonder is, whether or not a BIG movement like the squat has, by its very nature, more potential for improvement on a linear-progression program that a movement like the press, which I consider to be a Medium movement. What I mean to say is, perhaps getting bigger isn't necessarily the key, so far as the press is concerned. Perhaps it's all about getting stronger, and tweaking the program accordingly (microloading, taking bigger back-off hops backward, etc.). I think about this all the time.

    HOWEVER ... Far be it from me to ever dissuade somebody from gaining weight. And if you're like me (6' tall or above) you gotta be 250 or over before you can even look like you lift weights, not to mention "use your levers." So by all means, continue to enjoy your food if your bodyfat is lower/manageable, and keep enjoying it. But also, keep the bench press, and the press under that microscope and examine other factors as well.

    You're doing a kickass job on all this stuff though, and keep it up! And get that elbow better. Fucking elbows, man LOL

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by gamedog View Post
    I have been thinking a lot about this, and upon considering the fact that I got stuck on the press at the exact same load (170/175), while weighing a full 65 pounds more than you, I'd have to say that there might be a possibility that gaining more might not be necessary, in this context. But I'm still foggy on all this weight gain stuff. For me, I reached a point where I was putting on lots of muscle and tons of fat. So obviously I'm operating pretty efficiently, and could cut back the caloric intake. But the fucking press got stuck... And that pissed me off. What it makes me wonder is, whether or not a BIG movement like the squat has, by its very nature, more potential for improvement on a linear-progression program that a movement like the press, which I consider to be a Medium movement. What I mean to say is, perhaps getting bigger isn't necessarily the key, so far as the press is concerned. Perhaps it's all about getting stronger, and tweaking the program accordingly (microloading, taking bigger back-off hops backward, etc.). I think about this all the time.

    HOWEVER ... Far be it from me to ever dissuade somebody from gaining weight. And if you're like me (6' tall or above) you gotta be 250 or over before you can even look like you lift weights, not to mention "use your levers." So by all means, continue to enjoy your food if your bodyfat is lower/manageable, and keep enjoying it. But also, keep the bench press, and the press under that microscope and examine other factors as well.

    You're doing a kickass job on all this stuff though, and keep it up! And get that elbow better. Fucking elbows, man LOL
    Your right about the weight gain, I think my problem is I have trouble staying patient waiting for pressing gains. I know I need microplates, 5 lbs a workout isnt realistic at all anymore. Elbows are at an all time low right now, I cant play sports and lift at the same time. Between hockey, broomball, army bullshit and me being a general dickhead my elbows pretty much hurt all the time. I may need to start eating ibuprofen for breakfast again. And thanks gamedog, I like having you along for the ride. Lets keep killing this!

    29 oct 2010

    Played sports all yesterday afternoon and this morning, and I drank a few too many last night. So feeling pretty lethargic going into todays training session. God bless nano-vapor.

    I dont even know, Ill repeat on monday.

    pause Bench
    my elbows hurt way too much to bench, shouldve just went home.

    Bent over rows
    No bumpers and I didnt want to rack the bar with my elbows. These were a fun alternative.


  10. #110
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    I agree, by all means let's keep killing this!

    Repeat 365 and kill it. You'll do fine, probably just a fluke from the sports and the booze LOL Happens to everybody every now and again. The important thing is that you're sticking to your guns and you keep kicking ass. Ice your elbow this weekend and eat yourself some good, inflammation-fighting food, like tomato and olive salad with lamb chops, or perhaps a nice steak with guacamole (spiced up with some jalapenos) on the side; something like that :-D Or salmon steaks!!! Just take her easy for a day or two and you'll be right as dodgers. Keep at it chief!

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