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Thread: ChiefCisco's SS Log - Starting @ 150lbs

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010


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    I decided to give 220 one last try on the squats before I settle for a deload. I've been really frustrated with myself for not getting these done.

    I've been eating good (above 4500 cals a day) with plenty of protein. When I woke up this morning, I felt like I had plenty of energy. After breakfast and some time to wake up, it was time to hit the iron.

    Squats: I barely finished the first work set. Bad form on one of my reps led to me hitting the catch bar with the weight. It threw off my timing and concentration, but I finished the last two reps, barely. I sat down and instantly said out loud that I had no chance to finish all three sets. Luckily, after a few words from my supportive girlfriend, I decided to not lower the weights and continue through the sets. Sometimes, the first set is tougher than the second because my muscles aren't pumping yet. That was the case today. I went on to finish the second set with good form. The last set was extremely tough. I grunted through the last two reps. The fourth rep was bad form as I rocked to my toes, but the others went well. I wouldn't have been able to pump out another rep.

    Squat: 220x3x5
    Bench: 145x3x5.. I pumped these out pretty easy. I could have done another rep on my last set if I wanted.
    Deadlift: 240x1x5.. Heavy, but I've felt worse. This was only 5 lbs from what I did last time. I will do back to 10 lb jumps now that I'm back in the swing of things.
    Last edited by ChiefCisco; 07-14-2010 at 08:49 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010


    My current body stats:

    7-14-10: 176 lbs, probably ~20% bodyfat

    Weight as of 5-10-10 when I started the program: 151 lbs ~15% BF

    Weight on 6-10-10: 166 lbs

    I'll try to get a pic up soon.
    Last edited by ChiefCisco; 07-14-2010 at 08:49 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    So far so good!
    Subbed to track your progress. My current weight is 148lbs pretty much the point you started, but you have grown pretty fast! And its amazing how you started with 85lbs OHP to being with.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Thanks for the good words.

    All of my starting weights were around 80% of what I could handle. By my third workout, I was lifting with max effort on nearly every exercise.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Can someone give me instructions on uploading photos?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by ChiefCisco View Post
    Luckily, after a few words from my supportive girlfriend, I decided to not lower the weights and continue through the sets.
    Envy. My girlfriend is the "you're going to hurt yourself!" type. She doesn't even actually work out in the same area of the gym as me

    Good start, man. Now when things get tough. I got to 225 before I deloaded, but I've since run up to 265 (from a restart at 185 after a long hiatus). I'm on a deload again, but I expect to turn up a much higher number this time around - 300+ or bust. You'll get there. Just realize that 300 is where you need to be, it isn't an unacheivable goal.

    Do you intend to stick around that bodyweight? For any real reason? Otherwise, burgers and milk

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ChiefCisco View Post
    Can someone give me instructions on uploading photos?
    When you post a reply you can see that there is 'Manage Attachments' button at the bottom, which you can use to add images as attachments.
    But better would be to upload it somewhere and then use
    [IM G]link[ / I MG] (without spaces), so it will display here.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post

    Do you intend to stick around that bodyweight? For any real reason? Otherwise, burgers and milk
    Yeah, I've been on the burgers and milk kick for a while now. My bodyweight has steadily increased, but going from 170-180 has been a bit slower. I think I'll see 180 on the scales by the end of tonight. No intent to stop now.

    On a side note, I've always been a skinny guy. I now have back fat for the first time ever. Also, my first stretch marks showed up, right at the outer top of my thigh. My legs are pretty much all muscle, so I'm proud of this. Anyone else notice battle scars in the legs area on SS?

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ivankannan View Post
    When you post a reply you can see that there is 'Manage Attachments' button at the bottom, which you can use to add images as attachments.
    But better would be to upload it somewhere and then use
    [IM G]link[ / I MG] (without spaces), so it will display here.
    Thanks. I'll get some pics up soon.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiefCisco View Post
    On a side note, I've always been a skinny guy. I now have back fat for the first time ever. Also, my first stretch marks showed up, right at the outer top of my thigh. My legs are pretty much all muscle, so I'm proud of this. Anyone else notice battle scars in the legs area on SS?
    I feel ya on the fat, I dont have calipers or any of those other fancy things so I go by how wide my fat roll wrinkle is when i sit down. Im up to about an 8 inch fat wrinkle by my standards. As for stretch marks Ive got a nice one growing on my left armpit which I am also proud of.

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