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I started SS a few months ago. My lifts went from/to:
Squat: 100kg x 5 x 3 to now 172.5kg x 5 x 3
Bench: 70kg x 5 x 3 to now 105kg x 5 x 3
Deadlift: 150kg x 5 to now 187.5kg x 5
Press: 60kg x 5 x 3 to now 72.5kg x 5 x 3
BW: 94kg (8% BF) to 105kg (15% BF)
Have just started doing powercleans instead of pendley rows which I started off doing. Competed in my first powerlifting comp at the end of June, where I came second in the U23 age group (totaled 505kg; Squat 180kg, Bench 105kg, Deadlift 220kg) in the Yorkshire and North East Unequipped Powerlifting Champs (British Powerlifting Federation). Have my second comp coming up (2nd of Oct) where I hope to qualify for the British Unequipped Champs (total: 550kg in the 110kg weight class). Shooting for a 200kg Squat, 110kg Bench, and a 240kg Deadlift.
My routine is linear progression SS which has been a little bit modified for my weak bench.