starting strength gym
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Thread: ReStarting Strength: My SS log

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hello all/anyone,

    I haven't updated this since the fall of 2010, so almost a year, but I've still been training and decided to post some updates and restart my restarting strength log lol.

    Age: 22
    BW: 182(as of this morning after all you can eat korean bbq last night!)
    Height: 5'8.5

    Here's where my lifts are at these days.

    High Bar Squat: 275 x 5 x 3
    I don't squat low bar anymore. I tried for well over a year to get the low bar position right without hurting my elbow and or shoulders, with no avail. I now love the high bar squat and would likely never switch back to low bar(except maybe for specific purposes, eg I ever decide to do a powerlifting contest). It feels much more natural and even if I miss reps and have to dump on the pins I don't strain anything(usually a missed rep in low bar always left my back or something hurting). So it's just what works for me.
    Bench Press: 225 x 5 x 3 PR today! Finally hit two wheels in the bench, it feels good. I've been waiting for that for what seems like ages lol.
    Press: 167 x 5 x 3 Microloading in the press is definitely necessary at this point. Hoping for 170 next session.
    Deadlift: 305 x 5 Using double overhand and will use straps if necessary(had biceps tendinitis about a year ago and really don't want to mess with mixed grip right now)
    Power clean: 155 x 3 x 5 These may not be trained for a little as I hurt my left wrist somehow, dunno what the hell I did.
    Pullups: 16 is my PR, wide grip, but these depend on the day a little. BW + 45 x 5 is my PR in neutral grip.
    Dips: BW x 23, BW + 45 x 8 x 3
    DB Curls: 45 x 10/side PR today. Biceps curls are fun after a heavy workout.

    Next big goals(for work sets) are to squat 3 plates, bench 275(since I just hit two plates), press 185, deadlift 3 plates then 365, powerclean 185, pullups, dips, curls I'll take as they come, but would like 25 pullups and 30 dips with BW.

    Thanks for looking to those who do!
    Last edited by The Brute; 07-26-2011 at 10:59 PM. Reason: Forgot height

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    July 28:

    Squat 280 x 5 x 3 -> Finally! I was struggling with 275 for a number of sessions(because I stupidly made a ten pound jump from 265 to 275 at my buddy's gym where they don't have 2.5 lb plates. I got my 5 x 3 but it fucked up my recovery really bad so my hip flexors and adductors were so sore I struggled with the same weight for 3 more sessions)

    Press 170 x 5, 4 135 x 4 I will try 170 again next wednesday after some good recovery time.
    Pullups x 17 PR!!! 10, 6
    Back Extensions x 20, 15, 10
    Dips x 17, 10
    Leg raises with 30 lb DB x 4 x 3 sets
    Ab rollouts x 10 x 3

    Happy about the squat, and hopeful about my next press session. I think my lifts are at the point where I'll need to start really pushing and watching recovery while realizing deloads will probably be necessary soon and possibly intermediate programming in the near future.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    August 2, 2011

    Squat 285 x 5 x 3

    Bench 230 x 5 x 3

    Power Clean 165 x 3, 160 x 5 x 3 I initially tried to make a ten pound jump but that was too heavy, so dropped down five to get all my sets, by set five it was pretty damn hard and I'm sure the reps were pretty ugly compared to the first set. Since I hurt my wrist recently it was acting up a little(only hurts bent all the way back in the rack position) but it was good enough today to get through all my sets thankfully.

    DB Curls 45 x 10, 9, 6/side

    Ab rollouts x 13, 10 Ab rollout negatives from feet x 3

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Yesterday's workout(August 4)

    I went in very hopeful today but the weights destroyed me. I'm remaining hopeful for my next session though...

    Squat 290 x 5, 4, 3 First five felt heavy but very manageable, but the last reps of sets two and three were just not happening.
    Pullups x a bunch x 3 sets I did these before press due to my buddy using my bar to bench, it was just a bit of a mixed up training day. I think these may have made me overly fatigued for press.
    Press 170 x 5 135 x 6 I unfortunately didn't have time to complete three work sets of press, but needless to say I HIGHLY doubt I would have made 5 x 3 with 170. I lost my balance on the last rep of set 1 and it strained my back a little bit, and besides that it felt like a total 5RM. I'm working on initiating the move from the hip as rip suggests in videos, but I'm not sure how successful I am being. 170 feels fucking heavy any way I slice it. I will take one more crack at it next press session before considering a deload.

    Even though I didn't make my lifts I still finished my session feeling pretty good and hopeful for next time....

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Call me whatever names you like, but for the time being I am switching to a Starr style H/L/M style of training. I realize I am not putting 100% into the last bit of my possible novice gains but physically, and far more so mentally I need the break. So this week I've been fucking around a little, and I think I'll feel mentally re-energized and physically enjoy having a couple lighter squat days. Plus progress on this program will still be fast I think. I'm LOOSELY basing it on The Forgotten Factor Strength, since it utilizes deadlift on mondays. I plan to down powercleans on Friday and haven't decided whether I'll stick with GM on wednesday or GHRs.

    Yesterday's training:

    HB Squat
    135 x 5
    175 x 5
    215 x 5
    255 x 5
    295 x 3 FAIL. Not sure if lack of sleep was the problem or not enough rest before attempting final five. Will try next monday for five.

    135 x 5
    160 x 5
    185 x 5
    210 x 5
    235 x 5 PR!

    135 x 5
    180 x 5
    225 x 5
    270 x 5
    315 x 5

    If anyone has feedback on how I am ramping the weights who has done a starr style 5 x 5 that would be appreciated. I'm making even jumps and they all felt good, so hopefully that looks ok.

    Today's training: Well I wouldn't normally train two days in a row, but a very sexy girl invited me to the gym since she had an extra free 3 day pass, so I really couldn't say no. I did some real training first, then fucked around with a bunch of things I don't have in my home gym.

    Light Squats
    135 x 5
    175 x 5
    215 x 5 x 3 (Again, feedback on whether I'm supposed to do this, with three sets across of light squats, or should I use smaller weights still ramping each set??)

    I decided to have some fun(and try to show off for my lady friend) and it ended with several PRs....
    Strict Press 185 x 1 PR!
    Push Press 200 x 1 PR!
    Push Jerk 225 x 1 PR!

    Last PR of the night was BW dips x 25 reps!!!!(I missed lockout on the last one by about 1/2 to 1 inch, but I'm counting it)

    Very happy with the above. Then I fucked around and did face pulls, rack chins, pull throughs, dumbell benching, heavy one arm dumbell presses, dumbell shrugs, cable chest press, dumbell curls, seated calf raise. It's funny, there were all these machines around and after all was said and done, all I could think was, wow, I mainly just used the dumbell rack even when I could have used machines. It got some of the itching for variety out of my system though which was nice. Over and out.

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