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Thread: "Welcome to China!"

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Concerning Power Cleans + Deadlifts: I did a similar thing the first time on program by alternating them. If you look closely in book it mentions one way of doing it can be

    Bench Press

    Power Clean

    I am currently doing it this way with no assistance back extensions or chin ups. I am sure you could keep chin ups in there. I like it much better, and your doing 6/6 of the Big exercises vs. 5/6 in 2 days. I'm not over training. Hope it helps.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by dbm77 View Post
    Concerning Power Cleans + Deadlifts: I did a similar thing the first time on program by alternating them. If you look closely in book it mentions one way of doing it can be

    Bench Press

    Power Clean

    I am currently doing it this way with no assistance back extensions or chin ups. I am sure you could keep chin ups in there. I like it much better, and your doing 6/6 of the Big exercises vs. 5/6 in 2 days. I'm not over training. Hope it helps.
    I wouldn't recommend any other way, honestly.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Chengdu, China


    Starting Strength vs Practical Programming for Strength Training... it's a tough decision.

    I do believe that pull-ups and chin-ups are important so I'm hoping there's a way to keep it all...

    I asked Rip in the Q&A, hopefully we'll have an answer soon. Thanks for your input guys.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Chengdu, China

    Default Just toss it all in a blender and chug chug chug...


    Dec 8, 2010
    Squat: BARx1x5 40x1x5 57.5x1x5 72.5x1x5 97.5kgx3x5 (I'm not going to lie; they weren't as bad as the last time, but they sure as hell weren't perfect...not to worry though; I have a plan...)
    Press: BARx1x5 27.5x1x5 35x1x5 42.5x1x5 50kgx3x5 (These were platinum)
    Chin: BW(82.5kg)x1x11 BWx1x8 BWx1x7
    DSits: 17kgx1x10 17x1x8 17x1x7 (take a break just once and regression rears its tiny glaring head)
    BExts: 14kgx3x10

    Alright folks, tonight I need your participation.

    It's lately begun to dawn on me that despite my GOMAD piety, I'm not eating enough. It's really hard to eat adequate amounts good food now that I've reached 82kg. What's happening? Let me show you.

    Behold, my diet in China:

    1st quart (q) of Mutant Milk, 2 bananas, 150g of peanuts (I think)

    2nd q of MM and Motherfucking Jiaozi-饺子 (wontons/pot stickers: pasta version of dim sum, these will have their own post sometime in the future) I eat these until I can't move comfortably. It's my major massive meal of the day and all the people in the restaurant stare at me with a mixture of horror, awe, and disgust.
    filled with meat and vegetables!.jpg
    (note: this picture does not represent the amount I eat)

    Between Lunch and Dinner:
    3rd q of MM, 4 egg whites and 1 whole tea egg.

    4th q of MM, 5 sticks BBQ chicken skewers, 10 sticks BBQ veggies (this is from that BBQ place I mentioned earlier and also deserves its own post), 4 egg whites and 1 whole tea egg.

    Don't ask me the calorie total because, besides the milk and the peanuts, none of this comes with nutritional information. Delicious sauce, spice and MSG, yes; labels, grams of protein, fat content? ..."hahahaha silly foreigner you are already fat!"

    Oh well...seeing the ingredients listed would probably give me nightmares anyway.

    One big issue I've been having (and I'm surprised that I haven't seen anyone else complaining about this) is time. I'm spending more time consuming than I do in the gym!

    Simple solution: start planning out meal times like an accountant with an eating disorder.

    ...but I'm also worried about the other big problem, namely...

    Money (i'm a student remember)! I need to up my energy intake, but I still need to be able to pay my moon-eyed landlady and her bizarre female companion.

    You Decide: Should impoverished Dunbar add a) rice? b) peanuts? c) fried and dried peas d) a 50g package of chemically-flavored Tibetan yak jerky (not a joke).

    What's that you say? Of course, of course, but due to the recent price and sales hike, I just can't afford to add more milk. GoFMMC!: 30
    Last edited by Dunbar; 12-08-2010 at 10:25 AM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I'd go for the yak jerky it has the most protein.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Dunbar View Post
    ... 4 egg whites and 1 whole tea egg...., 4 egg whites and 1 whole tea egg...
    What are you doing with the 8 egg yolks per day?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    starting strength coach development program
    5 meat sticks and 10 veggie sticks should read: 14 meat sticks and one veggie stick.

    Drink your milk at the end of your meals, not during. You'll eat more that way. I generally sip water while I eat, then slam milk.

    Don't ever toss an egg yolk! Go appologize to a chicken right now.

    Is a big chunk of meat terribly expensive? At least back in normal-land the cheapest way to pack it in is to buy a big chunk of meat and slow-cook it, use it for many meals.

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