starting strength gym
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Thread: tfarny starts starting strength

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Squat 170 5,4,4 - got a spot on the last set, did the fifth with help so no-go. I actually fell forward dumping the bar (in the rack, no biggie) on rep 2 set 3 and had to start it over. I need to work more on keeping my back upright, it's getting too heavy for the usual goodmorning-like thing I tend to do. Verdict: failure, try again next time.

    Press 100 3,2,2 - god I need those little mini plates. I did 95 with no problems last week, this is my second total failure on 100. I know the press is hard, it comes slowly, yadda yadda. I think I need to work on driving it up more forcefully initially without cheating, to get past that middle bit. Also my elbows flare out. I'll post a vid next week for critique. Verdict: failure, try again.

    deads 215 5 - good, at least I hit one goal today. I haven't missed a dead yet. It is getting really hard to keep the lower back properly set, though. Verdict: success, but I've got a long way to go.

    Assistance: push press 115 5,3- this should have been easy but I did it too soon after deads. Chins 6,5,4 then some static holds. No more gas in the tank so I don't feel bad about the crappy chins today.

    This is a pretty typical workout for me. Eating plenty, little sleep last night but that sometimes happens. Lots of work stress right now, that will go away soon and we'll see how it affects performance.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Squat 170 5,5,5 Hit it. I cannot keep up 5 lb jumps on squat anymore, I might go to a light-wednesday approach while keeping the rest of the program intact. That theoretically allows for 40 lb / month gains which I would be ecstatic with. I know this is not much weight but I'm having a hard time with it anyhow.
    Bench 170 2, 165 2, 155 3, give up. Sore arm or something, didn't feel confident or good about it. Didn't want a bar on my face.
    Power clean & push press 105 3,3,3,3,3 - I can easily hit this, I'm just working on my form. Getting better at keeping my ass under the bar and exploding upwards, but I'm going to get more coaching soon. I'm calling it a push press and not a jerk because I'm not really getting under it right. This will work while I get the power clean part down.
    Aussie pushups 10,8,6 not feeling it in my right bicep today. Racquetball yesterday must have fatigued my shoulder and arm more than I thought.
    I weighed in at 195 yesterday which is up 10 lb in 9 weeks of SS, and I still fit into my skinniest jeans just barely.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Light day squats are a good idea if you're failing due to lack of recovery. You mentioned falling forward, so I'm thinking you might be failing due to form. What type of shoes do you squat in?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Chuck Taylors. I do tend to have too much forward lean, as the weight gets heavier it is forcing me to correct that. I can feel it when i do it wrong and am working on it. I was pretty upright today. I have a weak ass muscle so I tend to overuse my lower back which is stronger, is the main problem there.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Squat 175 5,5,3. Dumped rep 4 due to technique I think. As the weight gets heavy my tendency is for the hip drive to push me forward. I'm going to count this as a success though and push to 180 next time. Will post vid.
    Press 100 3,3, X = I seem to be getting weaker at press, need to deload. Have ordered 1.25 lb plates and will use them on press from here on.
    Push press 115 3,3 = see above. Feeling weak at press.
    Deadlift 225. 2. This was a big attempt for me, two wheels, a PR of course and a good benchmark. But I felt so dizzy / lightheaded after rep 2 that I had to sit for a few minutes, I made an attempt to finish but didn't have the confidence. I'll post a separate link asking advice on this. It's my first time really feeling dizzy like that, used to happen 20 years ago playing basketball and stuff.
    So, today was basically a total failure. I'll pretend I hit the squat though.
    Assistance: Switched my assistance work around so today I did pushups + 35 lb x 10 x 2 sets, one-hand-on-basketball pushups 20 total, inverted pushups + 10 lb 10,8,6. The "core" work I was originally doing is starting to feel more and more useless, that's for sure.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by tfarny View Post
    Squat 175 5,5,3. Dumped rep 4 due to technique I think. As the weight gets heavy my tendency is for the hip drive to push me forward. I'm going to count this as a success though and push to 180 next time. Will post vid.
    Why not just redo it an be sure you can do the technique right at 175? It is only one training session out of the rest of your life.

    Quote Originally Posted by tfarny View Post
    Press 100 3,3, X = I seem to be getting weaker at press, need to deload. Have ordered 1.25 lb plates and will use them on press from here on.
    My numbers are generally right around yours. I hit 100 on the press a couple weeks ago and it was when things started getting hard. Everything was going just fine up to 95 pounds in 5 pound jumps. I'm glad I have the Iron Woody set so I can do 1 pound increments. Doing 2.5 pounds per session would be too much for me now.

    They can't all be zingers.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Squat 175 5,5,5 - glad I re-did it instead of moving up. Think I had good balance today and good (better) hip drive.
    Bench 170 - oh damn I needed help out of rep 3 set 1. Backed off and still didn't feel good. Either I need a de-load, or playing racquetball the night before benching really hurts me (twice in a row now) or I'm just losing confidence. Went with 135 2 x 8 and called it good.
    Clean and Jerk 110 3,3,3,3,3 Jerk is pretty weak. Might give up on that for a little bit and get coached on it separately while I work on my clean form. Weight is not a problem, it's my form.
    Pullups 6,4, oh shit. L-sit - tried it twice was too gassed.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Squat 164 5,5 - 135 1x10 - experimenting with a light wednesday for now. I've been hitting my weights on the second go the last couple times, so maybe it's recovery and not technique that's hurting me.
    Press 90 5,5,5 - deloaded, fractional plates are in the mail. No probs as expected.
    Deadlift 225 PR! No dizziness as before, just two wheels on each side going up and down.
    Aussie pullups 15lb weighted 10,10, unbalanced pushups 15 ea. side.
    I felt a twinge in my pec last time, and again on the pushups today. Need to monitor before benching next time.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    You gotta eat more, if you're doing that silly low-carb thing then you're not gonna get very far.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Carnivroar: With the weight concerns, sounds like a candidate for a JP consultation. If he's willing to let go of the paleo stuff, anyway.

    tfarny: I should watch this log, your numbers are very close to mine. Gives me someone to compete with. :-)

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