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Thread: decided to quit bastardizing the program

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Just screwed around today. drank too much last night and wasnt feeling that great plus i wanted to keep my exercise light so my body could really recover.
    bent over rear delt fly: 10x10x3
    curl- reverse- 25x10 regular- 25x10x1 hammer grip- 25x10x1
    back extension- no weight added 10x1
    leg press 180x10x1
    standing calf raise- 180x20
    leg lift- 15 reps
    jogged one mile at 6.5 mph this is the first time i have done any joggina while but I didnt even get winded which I thought was pretty nice.

    I did practice doing snatches as well with just the bar and then with 90 pounds. This was pretty fun and actually seemed to be easier to learn than the clean.

    Looking back im just hoping I didn't do too much I dont think so I was pretty hung over and the intensity level was extremely low. the most challenging thing today was the one mile and the snatch practice.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Will be changing the emphasis of my programming towards power development and explosinveness. I will be working a SS type template tuesday and thursday, then plyometrics on saturday and monday. As this isnt doing the program I will start a new log in general logs and updae this one when/if I start doing a straight SS type deal again which I probably will.

    As a side note to anyone looing over this log looking at whether to do this program here is my experince over the course of about 2.5 months (this will go back further than when I started the log by a few weeks)

    squats: 185x5->260x7

    Deadlift: 205x3->285x5

    Press: no improvement (been working around shouldeer impingementa dn kept the weight so low I never really gained any adaptation i dont think)

    Bench: 165x10->180x10 again probably could have made better gains but dealing with my shoulder has been a beast.

    Clean: NA-->135X3

    BW 148-175

    I really think I could have been much more conservative in my weight gain a half gallon a day would have been better for me milk wise or maybe drinking skim. I failed to take into account I have been working out for a ling time and my diet is adjusted for a higher level of activity and adding a whole gomad was too many calories for me. I honeslty feel like I created a new problem which I never had the original problem of which was stalling in my lifts so I never should have increased the calories. Oh well you live and you learn. On a side note I have barely ever received compliments on my body before when i was running miles a day and spending all my time sparring and being a little guy and I have had several people compliment me in the last month, makes me wish i had more reasons to take off my shirt. So i do think when I decide boxing is behind me for the most part im going to go back up to 185-195 doing this program. A little fat doesnt look bad when the body is growing muscles all over.

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