Workout 15
11 July 2011

warmed up with light very deep squats
BW x 12
45 X 10 x 2
95 x 10
135 x 10

then to let the injury below my knee heal did lunges, did them a little too heavy!
60# DB
10 steps forward
10 steps backwards
10 in place i.e. step forward, return to start position

should have used 50# DBs first time

45 x 8
95 x 4
120 x 5 x 3 PR
could probably done more reps
tried to do the use your pelvis like a Bow thing I saw in one of the videos. i don't think I was doing it right but the presses were easy anyways

135 x 8
185 x 4
225 x 4
255 x 4 x 2 changed grip between sets PR
reread about the deadlift, didn't bounce it. Stopped and started each rep as its own

My back was tight and I was worried but decided to keep going after 225 and figured I didn't need to finish a set if I felt anything worse. I stretched a bit before the 255 sets and I think that helped. I think I was tight from the lunges as they were new.

Gym was HOT and hummid. Had to lay on the ground between many sets, very lightheaded. I may be dehydrated but I don't think so.

Added Pullups today
5 x 3

These were hard! I couldn't have done more which is pathetic! I was smoked but still 3 sets of 5 should be no big deal. I hope to add one rep per set per week. Chins on Friday.

I'm going to start adding "PR" just to feel cool! A little extra motivation hopefully.