Welcome! I am 47 and the strongest I have ever been. Many of my aches and pains are far less. I have mom at 72 on it and she was off ibuprofen after week 3. Keep working and posting when you can!
I am 66 and recently retired. 5' 10" 200 pounds. I started trying to do some lifts in April with a lot of trouble trying to squat because of shoulder stiffness. So I started doing bench press and rows to begin with. More attempts with the squat and heavy lumber lifting for a project just about wrecked my shoulders. So I do bench press, row and added deadlift about a month ago.
I workout every third day. One on two off I think it's called.
BP 110-5
DL 70-5
SQ 70-5
ROW 70-5
My lower body strength is terrible.
Fast forward to 7-20-2020
BP 150-5-5-5
SQ 130-5-5 [the last time I tried SQ]
ROW 140-5
DL 95-5 [started regular DL progression]
After this I dropped to mostly doing BP and DL due to heavy work being done at home and periods of poor sleep. [old folks problems] BUT they were done per NLP.
BP 177-3-3-3-3
DL 180-5
ROW 120-5-5 started these back today.
The 3x5 on BP ran out and I went to 3's for the past 5 workouts.
Goal... other than to progress on all the lifts is to get squats and presses worked in to the mix.
It seems pretty cool on the forum so here goes.
Last edited by Fred J; 09-11-2020 at 06:24 PM.
Welcome! I am 47 and the strongest I have ever been. Many of my aches and pains are far less. I have mom at 72 on it and she was off ibuprofen after week 3. Keep working and posting when you can!
Thanks Travis. I am glad it's working for you and your mom.
Great start Fred. When do you plan to add the OHP? If you are able go see a SS coach to get you started on the right track. Also, get the third edition of the basic book on Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. You may also wish to contact Dr. Jonathon Sullivan. He does good coaching online. He's my in person coach.
If you have time check out Greysteel.org, and Greysteel on Facebook. Dr. Sullivan does great work.
Thanks Carson. There are quite a few resources available aren't there. Right now I want to get all the lifts going. What I'm doing now is a lot better than nothing at least.
9-8-2020 TUESDAY
BP 180-3-3-3-3
DL 185-3-3
Nothing special.
Friday 9-11-2020
BP 182-3-3-3-3
DL 190-3-3
ROW 120-5-5
Last edited by Fred J; 09-11-2020 at 06:19 PM.
The Starting Strength program may seem arbitrary but I don't believe it is. You seem to have drifted away from the LP as described. I suggest that if you wish to see the results of the program that you get back to it. Follow the book until you reach the end. A SS coach can be of great help.
Carson do you normally workout twice per week? I tried to find your novice logs but cannot.
Oh yeah...reading the book. You happy now?
Last edited by Fred J; 09-12-2020 at 02:01 PM.
Yes, I am happy for you. It makes a difference.
Monday and Friday are our lift days. My wife lifts as well. Let me try to dig out my novice log.
Here's my LP log starting in 2013 Here comes Hercules
Last edited by carson; 09-12-2020 at 04:03 PM.