12 Feb
Press 68.75kg x 2 x 5 PR
Deadlift 170kg x 2 (failed 3rd) PR, 135kg x 8
20 minute cardio
Losing about 0.5kg a week to make weight for a meet in 2 months.
Thanks Matt, indeed it's been a while with the right tricep flaring, and it's holding my BP back for a long time now. Every time I reach 95kg+ zone, it becomes quite unbearable.
I incorrectly pushed LTEs too hard (first time I do them), the idea here was to get work in the muscles and tendons to help triceps repair rather than push the weight. I'll lower the weight here to a weight I could comfortably get 15 with, rather than barely get 10.
My SSC is re-ordering my next week's workout so that I'll bench on Sunday instead of Monday (and do that before Squat). I think it may actually be related to the Squat (although it only happens with the right arm). I'll also have my Squat grip checked.
12 Feb
Press 68.75kg x 2 x 5 PR
Deadlift 170kg x 2 (failed 3rd) PR, 135kg x 8
20 minute cardio
Losing about 0.5kg a week to make weight for a meet in 2 months.