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Thread: I absolutely positively cannot get rid of "butt wink"

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by JStrong View Post
    The more weight, the less wink.

    And, get some shoes or (gasp) put 2 1/2's under your heels. I am very inflexible and had pronounced wink, but my 3/4" heel has all but eliminated it.
    I thought this was a blasphemous practice to be avoided by us deep squatting fellows?

    Just curious as to why you would recommend that? I don't understand why we would want to. I thought it would cause injury.

  2. #32
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    I don't know how a wood heeled shoe differs from a plate under your foot.

    That said, try stretching and make sure the wink is excessive before quitting on it- but if you are inflexible a heel does help.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewcarroll2 View Post
    I might be the only person here that doesn't know how to do this. Sorry for my ignorance but would you mind telling me some "hip mobility" exercises and stretching?

    I usually just do that deep squat and put my elbows between my knees to push them out for a couple of times and call it a good stretch, then warm up w/ the bar, some weight, etc etc
    These are some good stretches that I use

    And these are the mobility work

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewcarroll2 View Post
    Lolz, no, I'm not doing that. I noticed it while warming up doing body squats, and it was VERY pronounced.

    How do you know if your going unnecessarily low? I thought you had to go all the way down to ensure a good bounce. I have read the squat chapter 3 times, the 3rd time I highlighted everything I thought was important, so basically the whole chapter. I don't know what to do, but I don't want to stretch. It makes you weak they say.

    Because the lower I go, the more my lower back rounds. I was going a good 3 inches too deep because I can't help but look in the damn mirror when I squat because gyms are stupid. Need to start facing the other way or something...but the box squats are helping.

    As I understand it, you don't want to physically BOUNCE out of the bottom of your squat, as in bouncing off your's more of a muscular elastic reflex...(been a while since I read the book so I'm sure the terms are wrong).

    And you are right that stretching does reduce muscle output...but I'm working my way back up from a weight that's probably only 75% of my previous working sets, so I'm not lifting heavy heavy at the thinking is that hopefully when I am back to those heavy weights, I will be flexible enough so I won't have to continue stretching.

    Also to whoever said more weight = less wink...I think you are right as well. I don't know what it is, but my bodyweight/warmup squats are much much worse than my heavier squats. I guess because when it's heavier you have to push against the bar more and really focus on controlling it? Shrug.

    Oh and has anyone experimented with making their own weightlifting shoes? There's enough rubber in the bottom of chuck's, looks like you could craft a heel into them... >_> I'm a poor engineering student so...
    Last edited by DaveSev; 08-04-2010 at 01:31 PM.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JStrong View Post
    I don't know how a wood heeled shoe differs from a plate under your foot.
    Here's why... A weight lifting shoe's sole is in full contact with the ground. Putting a plate under your heel leaves a space where the foot is no longer in contact with the ground.

    I think I've said enough for you to figure out the rest.

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