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Thread: Call the pros! squat WTF need more help still!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Calgary, AB


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    Hi guys my slow brain and slowly starting to understand...

    Can you view and tell me what you think please on the vid below fro last set 3x5 at 115lbs. I re-read the squat section (an old version my buddy has - wiating for new version to arrive) and watch vids. I'm starting to understand keeping the thoracic tight all the way.
    What do you think on hip drive?
    Depth? (I'm going as low as I can i'm extremely inflexible - in fact i can't get as low with lighter weight)
    I'm planning on 115 1x5 next time then try 120lb 2x5 and hope I've made some muscle - thoughts?

    You guys are helping big time...i'm starting to see the errors better now. I'm very grateful for your help!

    Also, I've gained too much belly fat and the last two days i've been eating 3500 cals down from 4000 cals. I feel better (less stuffed). Do you think this is bad, at least until I start lifting some real loads on squats and deadlift? Macros on wo days around P 31%, C42%, F27% and around 33% each on non wo days

    I'm 36 yo so I don't quite have the burning system like a young buck.

    Please excuse all my questions, but I train alone so you guys are a big help. Book and dvd are on the way...
    Last edited by iFreedom; 04-02-2012 at 08:23 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You do not need to eat 4,000 calories when you are squatting 115 pounds. That weight does not constitute a significant stress and will not make the demands on recovery that heavier weights will.

  3. #13
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    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by iFreedom View Post
    Those squats have improved. You do a better job of holding your back together and you are getting deeper, although you are still too high on some of your reps. This is not likely to be a flexibility issue, especially in your case. You just need to get deeper. Stay tight on the descent instead of dropping into the hole and praying that you will get low enough. Maintaining control on the descent will also help you avoid sticking your butt backwards on the ascent, which you do much less now. Good work. Get a little deeper and stay tighter. Add a little weight for your next workout.

  4. #14
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    Calgary, AB


    Quote Originally Posted by TomC View Post
    Those squats have improved. You do a better job of holding your back together and you are getting deeper, although you are still too high on some of your reps. This is not likely to be a flexibility issue, especially in your case. You just need to get deeper. Stay tight on the descent instead of dropping into the hole and praying that you will get low enough. Maintaining control on the descent will also help you avoid sticking your butt backwards on the ascent, which you do much less now. Good work. Get a little deeper and stay tighter. Add a little weight for your next workout.
    Thanks TomC. But I just cannot go lower in the squat. It's like i'm limited in my hip flexor area. I'm trying to keep my knees out too but I just can't go any lower!

    Any advice to get lower? Plus in an attempt to drive my hips, I push them back coming up otherwise all of my weight goes on my toes. Do you know why?

    This is my vid of 120lb which is comparable form to my 115 but I just barely go below parallel. I tried to control my decent but some slight rounding of the back at the bottom:

  5. #15
    Jsutt Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by iFreedom View Post
    Thanks TomC. But I just cannot go lower in the squat. It's like i'm limited in my hip flexor area. I'm trying to keep my knees out too but I just can't go any lower!
    I don't believe you! Are you stretching regularly? If you can do hamstring stretches and hip flexor stretches every night, holding each as far as it will go (without pain) for 30 seconds, your flexibility will improve very quickly. This will make it easier to get into the bottom position without your back rounding.

    And I'm sure you'll see it when you get Rip's book but get some flat-soled shoes and if possible somewhere with a solid floor to train.

  6. #16
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    Calgary, AB


    Well, I stretch before the workout. Supose I could always stetch more, just seems fairly consuming as it is between stretching hams, hips and rotar cuffs and warm up on the bike is about 20 mins before the work out starts. Could od more i guess just didn't know if there was a trick or way to get lower that I was missing.

    I wish I could train on a solid floor but that's out for now, at least until the later half of the year. Thanks for the comments though.

    I'm curious with better form now if I'll actuall squat more than 130lbs (properly) in the next few sesssions as this would be breaking the hump Ive been stuck on for endless weeks.

  7. #17
    Jsutt Guest


    It's better to do static stretches after the workout or in the evening as they're quite relaxing rather than envigorating. Dynamic stretches (like mobility workouts etc) are fine though. Can you touch your toes on a hamstring stretch with stiff legs? If you can do that then TomC is probably right that it's a technique issue rather than flexibility.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsutt View Post
    It's better to do static stretches after the workout or in the evening as they're quite relaxing rather than envigorating. Dynamic stretches (like mobility workouts etc) are fine though. Can you touch your toes on a hamstring stretch with stiff legs? If you can do that then TomC is probably right that it's a technique issue rather than flexibility.
    I can't even come close to touching my toes! I suspect then that this is a good indication and that I need more stretching...argh! Myabe I should by a 6 pack, pizza and hit the couch and forget it...well, maybe after my workouts -ha! I do dynamic before typicaly but nothing after which I should start doing if I'm going to make this work.


  9. #19
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    Calgary, AB


    Ok guys, I think form is getting better, not the best, but better. My grip is getting more narrow and eventhough the depth isn't bombastic it's not as painful on the inside of my hips so my warm ups are helping I think.

    I would take any advice you've got for my 130lb squat form vid. Is it good to keep adding weight? 135 is next and this would be my's to hoping!

  10. #20
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    You don't need more stretching. Your unwillingness to get depth is not a matter of flexibility. It is a matter of body awareness and making yourself do the movement. Reps four and five were deep enough. Only the first one stood out as being shallow. Did you become more flexible during your set? Unlikely. I bet you still cannot touch your toes.

    You still need to control your descent and your ascent better. Get tighter. Drive your ass up and not back while keeping the bar over the middle of the foot. Get some lifting shoes. They will be of great help to you with balance and depth. Take your next jump in weight and contract the musculature of your legs prior to and during each rep.

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