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Thread: Squat update check/DL check with video

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default Squat update check/DL check with video

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    Hey guys! Thanks in advance for any help. Started SS 1st week April.
    Lb- started at 180 now at 202
    Squat 135-->257
    DL 225-->335
    Bench 205-->250
    Press 115-->155

    I posted a video a few weeks ago of me squatting 255. Those were high, feet too wide, etc. I took a deload as suggested and have now worked back up to 257. For reference, I will post the original as well. Hope you're pleased with the progress! I've also posted a warm up set at 295 on DL and a work set at 335. I'm just going to be DL form SUCKS.. I had no idea my back was rounding that much! I failed it on the fourth rep. I got 330 for 5 last time, though it was very heavy. Also, I did feel the bar roll up on my back on a couple of my squat reps (not shown). Any thoughts on that as well! Thanks! PS the old squat video is me in the red shirt and the new is in gray
    Squat check - YouTube

    Squat check set of 5 - YouTube

    Warm up DL 1x1 - YouTube

    Work set DL miss. Back rounds.. - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Portland, OR


    The squat video is too close for me to tell what's going on but I can tell you have knee slide. Either you are not continually driving your knees out the entire time (i.e. things are loose) or you need some time with a TUBOW to practice keeping your knee in position the entire bottom half of the movement.

    You know your lower back is horribly rounded on the DLs. You're not getting into position during the warm up or the work set. Don't wear a belt during warm ups and don't look so far forward. Practice squeezing your chest through so the upper and lower back tightens into position, then lift.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Thanks, Greg. Ok, it's probably both. Getting loose at the bottom and not driving the knees out, although I think it is more of the former. I do feel like I get 'loose' in the hole. Could you expand more on that? I can feel the knees slide on some of the reps for sure. I don't have any spare pieces of wood lying around is there anything else I can use? A box? I'll get creative and see what they have at the gym.

    For the deadlift, I really struggle with understanding what squeezing the chest means and feels like. I have read the DL chapter several times but it is just not clicking.

    Thanks for the help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Shawnee, KS


    I've used a foam roller, a piece of PVC pipe, and a mailing tube at various times. Anything that is as tall as your knee and will stand on end should suffice.

    Keep videoing every set you do, hopefully from a more informative angle, and you'll get there. I think it helps to work with weights that are heavy but not maximal to improve form, so I check my warmup sets extra close, and I do them pretty slow, by the numbers. My form always breaks down a little when I get close to failure, since all I can concentrate on is the effort I'm making..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Appleton, WI


    I stopped watching after I saw your belt. Get a proper belt. That may even help with your back rounding when deadlifting.

    Get a real belt.

  6. #6
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    May 2016


    Fiddler, that's great stuff. I've got a foam roller and I know the gym has one too.
    So is the angle ok on the video but just too close? Want me to back up a bit?
    Since I completed all reps on the squat, is it ok to keep on progressing? Or is the knee slide such a danger it must be fixed. I was thinking of using TUBOW for all warm ups, but keep on progressing my heavy sets. For the DL, since I didn't complete the 5, i won't. I think I'll do more warm ups and film those so I'm doing it correctly. Might need a small deload? I mean I can pull the weight off the floor it just looks terrible. I imagine as form improves the weight will go up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Thanks, Joe! Do you have any specific ones you recommend for squatting and deadlifting? 4in for squatting and smaller for DL, right? Any specific brand you like best? When you DL and squeeze your chest, what do you feel?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Appleton, WI


    Quote Originally Posted by Royce Nichols View Post
    Fiddler, that's great stuff. I've got a foam roller and I know the gym has one too.
    So is the angle ok on the video but just too close? Want me to back up a bit?
    Since I completed all reps on the squat, is it ok to keep on progressing? Or is the knee slide such a danger it must be fixed. I was thinking of using TUBOW for all warm ups, but keep on progressing my heavy sets. For the DL, since I didn't complete the 5, i won't. I think I'll do more warm ups and film those so I'm doing it correctly. Might need a small deload? I mean I can pull the weight off the floor it just looks terrible. I imagine as form improves the weight will go up.
    I'm going to answer for fiddler, progress for your next training session. TUBOW some warmup sets and then bury the work sets.

    For recording squats, a rear 45° with the camera at hip height, we need to be able to see your head and feet in the video, no black pants or shorts, and no obstructions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Royce Nichols View Post
    Thanks, Joe! Do you have any specific ones you recommend for squatting and deadlifting? 4in for squatting and smaller for DL, right? Any specific brand you like best? When you DL and squeeze your chest, what do you feel?
    I can use a 4" belt for squats and deads, but I'm lucky. I have no preferences as far as 4" belts. Price and availability are my biggest factors. For deads, Spud Inc. Makes a 3" Velcro belt that I liked a lot. Easy to get tight putting on, fast coming off, and sturdy enough.

    What does squeezing feel like? Like hell. I find that doing it fast is best for me. But then I have issues getting squeeze tight on heavy reps.
    Last edited by Joe Jaloszynski; 06-05-2016 at 08:17 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Shawnee, KS


    Form check videos

    I video every set and check the video between sets for immediate feedback. Especially on squats, but also on deads and presses. I also run through them on the computer at home on a larger screen and in slow motion. I always seem to find something that can be improved, especially since I watch demo videos, form checks, and read the book a lot. Just one little correction on my press (elbows more in front, and less flare) added an easy 10% to my press, for example, and a small adjustment in bar position in the squat, while less comfortable, made the weight feel a lot lighter. I have a little digital video recorder, but my cell phone would do just as well. I use it for a timer now.

    I can't recommend too strongly that everyone who lifts, especially those without training partners or coaches, check every set they do. It's like whack-a-mole, as soon as you correct one thing, another pops up, and constant vigilance is worth the slight effort it takes. Besides, it's more productive than checking Facebook between sets.

  10. #10
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    May 2016


    starting strength coach development program
    Price is definitely my biggest concern right now. I've never bought one before (I just use the ones at my gym) so I'm really not sure what a rip off is or what is a waste. I'll keep on saving and get when ready. I'll check out at that Spud belt for sure. Thanks for all the tips guys. Excited to get back under the barbell and improve. I'll keep you updated!

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