Hello, wanted to follow up with a form check after trying to improve on the previous critiques: 1. stance too narrow, 2. questionable depth. 3. no belt.

Squat Form Check

Ordered a belt but that'll take 10 days or so, so using whatever velcro one they had at the gym.

Squat 325lbs, 3rd set


Time and space froze for a second on the last rep, really want to nail down the technique so strength is the only limiting factor as I try to keep making progress on the NLP.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

[Will move this question to programming thread if necessary. Related, so I include it here.]
This last rep makes me think the 5x3 is running out of juice and a switch to a top set of 5 with two back offs would be prudent (already have light day) to continue making progress smoothly.
SS Gyms Podcast episode on the NLP talks about making a change too soon being better than too late.

Also, a novice is defined by his ability to recover and add weight to the bar between workouts. A novice is a novice until proven otherwise.
Would it be better to fail a rep and prove that I can't make the adaptation for 5x3 before making the programming switch to 5x1/5x2(90%)?
Am I being a pussy by looking to make the change before a failed rep?
Does it even matter either way?

Thanks for the time, everyone!