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Thread: Novice Deadlift Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Default Novice Deadlift Form Check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    First time posting a DL form check video here. The lift feels pretty intuitive but figured I'd throw it here in case there's something I'm missing.
    I'm at Week 5, Day 1 of SS NLP. This DL set was 1x5 @ 165lb.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    These look pretty good to me. One minor thing I'll throw out: When you set the bar down, stick your butt back to lower the bar, and don't start bending your knees until after it's dropped below them. You're bending them early, which is why the bar has to go around them on the way down.

    Your surface is obviously tilted a bit. This is no big deal, but I've found that a small towel can chock the plates on one or both sides to keep the bar closer to where you want it for the lift - that way, you only have to pull it back an inch or two in your setup. They're enough to stop it from rolling, but not hard enough to cause problems if you accidentally hit them when you lower the bar.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    These look pretty good to me. One minor thing I'll throw out: When you set the bar down, stick your butt back to lower the bar, and don't start bending your knees until after it's dropped below them. You're bending them early, which is why the bar has to go around them on the way down.
    Thanks for the cue. I noticed the bar bath deviate a bit around the knees but didn't quite have the body awareness to find out what was misfiring. I'll think of the butt back cue first to help with the sequence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    Your surface is obviously tilted a bit. This is no big deal, but I've found that a small towel can chock the plates on one or both sides to keep the bar closer to where you want it for the lift - that way, you only have to pull it back an inch or two in your setup. They're enough to stop it from rolling, but not hard enough to cause problems if you accidentally hit them when you lower the bar.
    Yeah, the surface is tilted a bit because it slopes toward a storm drain -- not ideal, but I like lifting outside. Wish I knew about the towel trick a few weeks back when used plates to chock the bar and lowered the bar onto them which caused the bar to absolutely destroy my shins. Learned my lesson!

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